He Cheats Part 2

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I take his hoodie off and throw it at him.
Payton: Let me explain.
Ava: There's nothing to explain Payton. You had sex with another girl. You cheated
*End Of Recap*

Payton: I'm so sorry Ava. It was an accident.
Ava: You're a liar. You don't accidentally sleep with someone else.
Payton: Ava-
Ava: J-just don't Payton.

I set his drink down and walk pass Chase and Josh, I walk out of the room. I grab my key card and look at the number, I walk down the hall and get to the room. I open the door and walk in, I shut the door and walk over to the other bed and lay down on my my stomach. I start crying.
Luke: Why are you crying? What happened?
Ava: *Crying* Payton cheated.
Luke: What the hell. Where is his room?

I hear Luke get up off of the bed.
Ava: *Crying* You don't need to d-do anything about it.
Luke: Ava he cheated on you. Where's his room?
Ava: *Crying* I'm not telling you. You might see Josh and Chase outside the room so you can go look yourself.

I hear the door open and shut, a few hours go by and I'm sitting at the pool in my bathing suit with my feet in the water. I look down and start playing with my hands, a few minutes go by and someone sits next to me.
Ava: If your name is Payton go away.
Josh: It's not Payton. It's Josh actually.
Ava: What do you want?
Josh: I want to apologize. I'm sorry.
Ava: You're supposed to be my friend. Why would you keep that from me?
Josh: I don't know. I'm so sorry. It wasn't right.
Ava: How long has Payton been doing this?
Josh: Today was the first time that I know of.
Ava: Oh.

A few minutes go by of silence.
Ava: You weren't wrong about the pool. It is pretty cool. *laughs*
Josh: *Laughs* Yeah it is.

Another few seconds pass by.
Josh: I-
Chase: Found them!

I lift my head up and turn my head around along with Josh, I see Chase, Payton and Jackson walking towards me and Josh. I go to stand up, Payton, Chase and Jackson approach us.
Jackson: Just listen to what he has to say.
Ava: No. Nothing that he says or does can make me take him back or forgive him. He cheated Jackson.
Payton: But I said I'm sorry.
Ava: Oh yeah you had sex with another girl but you said sorry so it's okay.
Payton: I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not.
Chase: She's being sarcastic Payton.

I roll my eyes and stand up.
Payton: Okay I know I messed up but please Ava, just give me another chance?
Ava: I can't. All of the trust I had for you is gone. What did I do wrong for you to cheat Payton? Don't say you don't know because I obviously did something wrong for you to go sleep with someone else.
Payton: But I really don't know why I did it. There's not really a reason I guess.
Ava: No Payton. There's a reason and I want to know it.
Payton: I don't want to tell you. I already feel bad enough for what I did. I don't want to hurt you more.
Ava: Tell me.
Payton: No.
Josh: Just tell her Payton.

Josh stands up.
Payton: Fine. I cheated because you are insecure about yourself and you always ask if I love you. You treat yourself badly and you don't love yourself and because you never wanted to have sex.

I get tears in my eyes.
Ava: I-I was and still am uncomfortable with it. We are fifteen. We don't need to be intimate Payton.
Payton: That still doesn't explain why you are so insecure. You don't ever wear cute or revealing outfits like why can't you wear swim suits like that girl over there? Her's is cute and yours is ugly and it doesn't show anything.
Josh: Stop Payton. You are probably the reason she's so insecure. Listen to yourself. You are being so rude to her. No wonder she's insecure, the things you say to her or about her is so rude and ridiculous.
Payton: Don't stick up for her.
Josh: Well I am because you're the one in the wrong. You cheated on her then your reasons you cheated on her are just rude.
Chase: Yeah you can't just say stuff like that to someone. She doesn't have to wear revealing clothes or swimsuits just because you want her to.
Payton: Is anyone on my side?
Jackson: No. You messed up and you are in the wrong.
Payton: Well it's not my fault that Ava couldn't give me what I wanted in someone.
Ava: Th-then why did you even ask me to date you?
Payton: Because I liked you.
Ava: Then what happened? Why did you cheat then?
Payton: Because I stopped loving you and you were insecure.

I look down and tears start running down my cheeks.
Payton: Don't start crying.
Ava: How about you shut up Payton. You weren't just told that somebody stopped loving you.

I start crying, I turn around and walk back inside the hotel. I walk to the elevator and press the up button, I get in the elevator and press 4. The doors close and it starts moving, I get out of the elevator a few seconds later. I walk to the hotel room and unlock the door with the key card, I walk in and lay on the bed.
Luke: He made you cry again?

I nod my head.
Ava: *Crying* He said he cheated because h-he stopped loving me and he didn't like the way I dressed and that I was too insecure. Can we just go home?
Luke: Well how about we go to vidcon for two days since we are already here then we will go home. Okay?
Ava: *Crying* O-okay.

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