You Have A Hickey From Someone Else And He Sees It Part 3

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I nod my head and tears gather in my eyes, Payton stands off of my bed and walks over to my door. He grabs his bag and leaves shutting my door behind him.
*End Of Recap*

I get off of my bed and walk out of my room, I walk out of my room and wipe my eyes. I walk downstairs to the kitchen.
Luke: How did it go?
Ava: What?
Luke: I saw Payton walk downstairs from your room and out the door.
Ava: Oh. We're gonna work on being friends.
Michael: Did you actually think that he was going to take you back right after? You got a hickey from someone else.
Ava: Shut up Michael. I know I made a mistake. I shouldn't of done it. You probably make mistakes all the time.
Michael: Okay. I'm sorry geez.

My phone dings and I see that it's a text from Payton.
🤠Payton🤠: Want to hangout tomorrow with me and Jackson? As friends.
😙Ava😙: Yeah. Where at?
🤠Payton🤠: My house at 12ish.
😙Ava😙: Okay.

I put my phone down.
Ava: Can you take me to Payton's tomorrow around twelve?
Luke: Will he actually be there?
Ava: Luke stop.
Luke: Okay. Sorry. Yes I'll take you. 

I walk to the fridge and grab a pop, I walk back upstairs to my room. I lay down on my bed and a few hours go by, I get a call from an unknown number. I answer it.
Ava: Hello?
Dylan: Why did you block me? Or are you just not answering me?
Ava: Who is this?
Dylan: Dylan. What the hell Ava, you can't just go block me out of the blue for no reason.
Ava: Yes I can. Payton found out and I'm done talking to you. I want to fix things with Payton so please just let me do that and leave me alone.
Dylan: Ava-

I hang up on him and lay my phone on my nightstand, I lay down and go to sleep a few hours later. I wake up the next morning and see that it's 11 am, I get off of my bed and quickly take a shower and get ready. I put my shoes on and grab my phone, I walk downstairs and see that it's now 11:46 am.
Luke: Are you ready?
Ava: Yeah.

I walk out of the house and Luke following me, he unlocks his car and I get in. He gets in and starts driving to Payton's, we get there a little bit later.
Ava: Thanks Luke.
Luke: You're welcome.

He parks his car and I get out, he drives away a few seconds later. I walk up to the door and knock, Payton opens it a few seconds later.
Payton: Hey.
Ava: Hi.

I walk in and he shuts the door.
Payton: We're downstairs playing video games but we can do something else if you want.
Ava: No it's fine.

He walks downstairs with me following him, I sit on the couch next him and Jackson.
Jackson: Hi Ava.
Ava: Hi.

A few minutes go by and and Payton wins a game.
Payton: Ha! Babe I won!

Me and Jackson look at Payton.
Jackson: Friends don't say that.
Payton: Shut up. I didn't mean to say it. Lets just watch a movie and forget I said that because I clearly didn't mean to say it.

Payton turns on a movie, an hour into the movie Payton hugs me and lays his head on my shoulder. He wraps his arms around my waist.
Jackson: Okay what the hell Payton? Friends don't do that either.  

Payton lets go of me and stands up, he grabs my wrist and pulls me off of the couch. He drags me upstairs to his kitchen, Payton lets go of my wrist.
Payton: Okay we need to talk. This clearly isn't working out. I keep saying or doing stuff to you that I would do when we were dating and right now we aren't dating but I think we should start dating again right here right now because I miss you like crazy and I know that we've only been broken up for like a day but I miss you so much. I don't care what you did because clothes didn't even come off so it's fine and you stopped it. Please?

I kiss him and he kisses me back, he wraps his arms around my waist again.
Payton: I love you.
Ava: I love you too.
Payton: Are we dating again now?
Ava: Yes.

I smile along with Payton, he kisses me again and grabs my hand. We walk downstairs and sit back on the couch.

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