Follow the leader

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The next day I didn't want to leave the library , but I had to. It was quite sunny outside so I decided to put on my denim shorts , black knee boots and long sleeved black crop top. I head a headache so let my hair down and wore my glasses. I was hesitant to open the door but after debating wether or not I should go out I decided I had to, hiding from her would make me look like a coward and I refuse to let her get the better of me. I opened the door and walked out with confidence.

Just as I expected they were all sat in the kitchen area on the stools.As soon as I walked in I received a glare from Nicole , I happily returned one but with twice as much hatred and power. She instantly removed her gaze from me back to the floor.

"I hope you're all feeling well?" Rosalie questioned. We all nodded and smiled in response

"Well that's great because I need someone to go into the town and pick up some supplies for me ,the potion is taking quicker then I thought it would so I going to have to do the spell today, any volunteers?"

"I'll go if you want?" I suggest

"Thank you , heres some money and here's a list , there a trail in the forest its the quickest way and no one will run into you" I take the money and leave. As soon as I leave I sigh in relief the tension in the room was starting to suffocate me.

The trail was pretty well disguised if she didn't tell me there was one I wouldn't of found it , eventually I found it. It was so boring walking on my own, after about 10 minutes I walking I could no longer see the cottage, the possibility of getting lost made me anxious and uncomfortable.

I was examining the list when I heard a suspicious sound I wasn't sure where exactly but it sounded like it was coming from behind me.I brushed it off assuming it was bird or an animal so I continued , but i kept hearing it and it was getting closer and louder. I turned round to see what it was, i waited patiently until I heard it again but nothing , I quickly turned back round , a scream left my mouth as I fell to the floor.

"Chicken shit" Ivan teased

I quickly got up , brushing the dirt and leafs of me, before walking to catch him up.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm coming with you"


"You think I want to spend my time with you, because I don't , Colt and Rosalie insisted I came with you" I grunt in annoyance and continue to follow the trail.

Thankfully we didn't talk until we got to the town. I pulled out the list and proceeded to collect the items from the shop. When I finished I had two bags full of food and supplies.Ivan was leaned up against the wall with hid hands in his pockets.

"Come on we're done " I said

He pushed himself of the wall and followed behind me.

"So Rosalie said the potion would be finished soon, maybe even today"


"When's the next job?" I Asked out of the blue

"In about two weeks or so" he bluntly replied

"Why do you kidnap girls?" the question slid out of my mouth before I could stop it .



"I don't kidnap the girls, the others do"


"Because we can"

"No you can't" i protests

"Really?, that's how you got here, that's how Nicole got here"

"Yeah but why, what purpose do we have?"

"There are plenty of things we could make you do , if a purpose is what you want Rogue I'm certain theres someone back at the mansion more then willing to help " I kept quite as we continued to walk through the Forrest.

"Have you ever heard the saying , curiosity killed the cat?" said Ivan


"No the tree, yes you "

"Yes, why?"

"You've managed to manipulate Miss Jones and Rosalie into telling you about me , normally I would just have my way with you , bite you, beat you and throw you away, but unfortunately I can't"

"So I want to know how you do it , and don't lie to me I'm not stupid"

"I don't know , Rosalie said something about me having a pure soul "

"Haha!" he threw his head back and held his stomach whilst he roared with laughter.

"A pure soul!" he repeated

"Very funny" I snap

"Well it's only fair? you know so much about me yet I know nothing about you"

"And that makes you think it's alright to poke your nose in other peoples business?"


"I don't even know that much about you, I know about your parents, where you lived and that's about it"

"But at the hotel you said you knew everything about me"

"I also said not to trust me"

"Well since you're always making the deals , I have one for you , you have 10 questions and I have 10 questions , deal?"

"What makes you think I want to know about you ?" he responds

"You really want to work with some one you don't trust?"

"I don't need to trust you , I'm a vampire and you're a human , I'll just kill you"

"Do we have a deal?"

"Whatever" he replied

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