Chapter 14: Salute

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"Congratulations to everyone in this room who is taking part in this year's elections!" Will exclaimed as he walked into the choir room. Jake tilted his head slightly to grin at Julie, who poked his cheek playfully before turning up front. From behind them, Ryder rolled his eyes, hating their growing relationship more and more with each day. It didn't help that they seemed to be the only stable relationship New Directions had at this point, making them get a lot of attention.

"Before you all start to get your panties in a bunch about who you'll vote for," Sue said, "we want to give you ladies and gays a chance to tell the rest of us why your team is the team for the job. Or alternatively, why you should vote for the third party in the game and—"

"We would be insane to vote for Carrie," Kitty said. "Regardless of how our options are, they can't possibly be a better choice."

"In that case," Will said, turning to Ryder and Stefan. "You guys are up first. Get anything out of the way now so that we can turn our focus to glee-related things instead."

"Right," Ryder nodded as he and his bulky, new partner-in-crime stepped up to the front. "As you all know, I've struggled a lot with getting my grades up."

"Same!" Stefan interjected with a big grin, though for him it was for lack of interest in academics.

"And in part it's because of my dyslexia," Ryder continued. Stefan pulled back, realizing he couldn't just pretend to be on the same boat for that one. 

"No one wants to hear Ryder Lynn and the Book That Couldn't Be Read," Kitty rolled her eyes. "Just skip the sob story and get to it."

Ryder sighed, "There was no sob story. Just the fact that as class president I will do everything in my limited power to ensure that all students are given fair chances to raise their grades up through retake opportunities, extended time on exams for those with disabilities, and mandatory tutorial hours for all teachers available to all students."

The New Directions looked around at each other, considering this as Ryder and Stefan took their seats. "Alright," said Will, clasping his hands together and turning to the girls. "What do you ladies have to offer to that?"

Julie didn't know what to say, but thankfully Bree stood up and said, "While Julie and I find what Ryder has said to be very noble, we also think it's a bit self-serving." Ryder pursed his lips, not understanding how his ideas could possibly fail to benefit the entire student body. "Having been at this school for several years already," Bree said, "I think I've learned to understand the most important thing to the student body... Equality."

"Holla'!" Unique whooped with a hand to the air. 

"What?" said Ryder, not knowing what she even meant.

"Yes, Ryder," Bree told him. "Your decision to run against us with a male running-mate who can't even spell his own name is just yet another display of the male entitlement that surfaces throughout the student body, something which we cannot allow. I am a proud, black woman who supports President Barrack Obama, but let's face it, it should've been Hillary leading this great nation. We've been led by nothing but men and that has gotten us only so far. It's time for a woman leading this joint."

"Brittany's presidency was the worst one to date," Rory pointed out.

"A qualified woman," Julie said, standing up and causing all eyes to shift to her. "Bree is absolutely right. We women are mistreated on a day-to-day basis just because of chromosomal differences. But girls at McKinley have proven to have better test scores, grade point averages, and conduct than the guys, yet we are constantly misrepresented by our leaders. Last year the student council planned multiple events in service of the male sports teams, which included the football team, as our opponent over there can vouch for." Ryder looked away when she turned to him, not wanting to look her in the eye. "Yet any all-women teams were underfunded. It's time for some things to change and we refuse to be underrepresented." 

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