Chapter 46: Nothing Lasts Forever

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"Where exactly are we going?" asked Dan as he and Rory struggled to keep up behind Alex, who was leading them through the dark woods. 

"We're going to turn the two of you into men tonight," Alex said, finally coming to a stop.

Rory and Dan looked at each other dubiously and Rory said, "That sounds rather perverted."

"Wait," Dan said suddenly. "We?"

"Hello boys," said Jake, emerging from the trees with Stefan and Ryder. "Boy, do we have some fun in store for you."


"How long do you think the guys will be out?" asked Peyton as she took a seat on the couch next to Carrie. They had taken up temporary residence in the second living room shortly after the guys all left.

"Probably all night," Carrie answered her, evidently annoyed. "I don't get it. I'm super hot, I'm mega-popular, and I'm totes nice to him, so why does Ryder still refuse to consummate our relationship?"

"Maybe because you're a bitch," Julie said as she walked into the room with Bree. 

"I should have gone with Stefan," Carrie muttered, shaking her head. "He at least wouldn't be too big of a pansy to have sex."

"Wanting to save oneself does not make one a pansy," Harmony said from her place behind the piano. "You should cut Ryder some slack. He has a lot of flaws like the rest of us but he's a good guy with good morals and I don't like the way you talk about him like he's your current favorite purse."

Carrie turned to Harmony and snapped, "News flash, Fudge-packer, sex isn't a horrible thing. And boys are like purses, at least while we're in high school. All of us, even you, can and will do better after high school, assuming we get out of this dead-beat town. This town breeds nothing but awful guys and Ryder might just be able to get out. But until then, he's still hanging on a very thin thread that is as easily broken as it is repaired."

Harmony rolled her eyes, scowling as she turned back to the piano and began hitting a few keys. "Ok girls," Julie said. "Unique and Marley are preparing s'more materials and I'm not really sure what Amity, Kitty and Shana are up to but... We can't let the guys have all of the fun. If we all make a pact right now to get along, I'm sure we can have an awesome time."

"Like hell..." Carrie muttered.

Peyton turned to her and pleaded, "Oh, come on, Carebear... We've got an awesome chance to have an awesome weekend and it can be just as awesome as the one we had at Julie's slumber party."

"That was pretty ok..." Carrie shrugged in a dignified manner. "Ok, you know what? Fine. Only because trying to place nice is better than spending a weekend here doing nothing with all of you."

"Fantastic," Julie said, smiling at everyone. "Let's have some fun."


"Knock, knock," Kitty said as she entered Vince's room. He was in bed, with a laptop out in front of him. Though he didn't look up at her, he didn't seem very happy to be interrupted.

"Fake knocking has no purpose if you're just going to walk right in," he said in a monotone manner as he clicked away rapidly at his keyboard. He had a headset on, which Kitty knew could only mean one thing.

"Is this why you didn't go with the other guys?" Kitty asked, crossing her arms as she stood above the bed. "So that you could play some lameass game online with some geeks you probably don't even know?"

"Yup," Vince said. "That and because I don't really like you or your friends."

"Alex is your friend," Kitty pointed out.

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