Chapter 18: Nonbinary

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Unique tried not too make too much noise as she typed on her laptop at 2 am, when she was supposed to be asleep. Right now, she was Wade and Wade had a strict curfew. Unique didn't mind the curfew, as there was beauty sleep to be had, but right now, she couldn't sleep.

So instead, she was on Facebook. She scrolled down for a bit, finding herself looking at mostly memes and shared articles, but every once in a while she stumbled upon a picture shared via Instagram or a status update from one of her friends. These included:

A picture of Brittany's cat, Lord Tubbington, with the headline: Someone really had fun licking my face.

A status update from Sam that said: Breadstix. More and more stix for your bread coming up.

A video from Kurt in which Blaine and Santana dropped ice on him.

Countless of selfies from Stefan with the headline: <3 

When Unique stopped on Stefan's narcissistic collage, she rolled her eyes, seeing that it had over 200 likes. Did she even have 200 friends who could ever like her pictures or anything of hers? She continued to scroll mindlessly, stopping when she reached a picture of Shana, Amity, Rory and Dan having lunch at Breadstix.

The headline read: Just heard this place is shutting down. WTF! #PleaseDont #ItalianFood #IWantMyStix

Unique smiled as she shook her head, seeing that it was Shana who had made the post. Just as she was going to log off, she received a message.

Ryder Lynn--Wade Adams: Shouldn't you be asleep by now?

She looked at the screen for a second, leaning in as she typed:

Wade Adams--Ryder Lynn: Shouldn't YOU?

A few seconds after pressing enter, the ... popped up, and eventually a response.

Ryder Lynn--Wade Adams: Good point. 


Ryder Lynn--Wade Adams: I'm researching songs for this week but I really don't think I'm going to do any. 

Unique pursed her lips thoughtfully as she thought of a response.

Wade Adams--Ryder Lynn: I couldn't think of anything either. It's been forever since I sang a solo, though, so I don't think it'll be noticed.

She was about to add something else when a different pop-up chat came up, this time from Stefan. 

Wade Adams--Ryder Lynn: Give me a second...


Ryder Lynn--Wade Adams: Actually, I think I'm going to get some sleep now. Goodnight Adams.

Wade Adams--Ryder Lynn: Goodnight.

She sighed, wishing Ryder wasn't leaving her alone for whatever he was about to get from Stefan. She clicked on the message, ready to 'x' out, but was surprised that it wasn't spam or complete stupidity.

Stefan Montgomery--Wade Adams: Hey, can you help me out with something?

Wade Adams--Stefan Montgomery: Depends on what it is...


Stefan Montgomery--Wade Adams: So I was trying to talk to Shana since I heard she was the owner of my soul or whatever... And she kind of blew me off... You know why?

Unique couldn't help but smile proudly at the thought of Shana not giving a rat's ass about the pretty boy anymore. However, she realized she had no answer to give.

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