Forty seven

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"Relax and speak slowly" Taehyung had said, holding his best friend by the shoulders. They were standing in front of the sinks in the toilets, out of the way from everyone else while Jimin tried to explain the situation.

Jimin had to tell Taehyung, how could he not? The boy was his best friend and this wasn't something he could keep a secret from him. Not to mention Jimin was in desperate need of advice and was sure Taehyung could help with that.

After reminding Jimin to take two deep breathes, Taehyung gave him a reassuring smile. "continue" Taehyung said.

Jimin was still nervous but at least he felt somewhat more calm. So he went for it.
"Last week, Sungwoon invited me to a party" Jimin saw Taehyung frown slightly at the name and he knew exactly what the boy was thinking. "I wasn't gonna go at first, I swear. I had actually planned to—"

"To go to the cinema with Yoongi" Taehyung finished the sentence at the same time.

"Yeah, How did you know?" Jimin asked, worriedly biting his bottom lip.

"I overheard a bit of your conversation while we were walking home. So you didn't go?"

The smaller looked down to his hands that were playing with the hem of his jacket.
"No I didn't. I cancelled on him and went to the party" he muttered in a very small voice, as though he was about to cry any second.

Taehyung wanted to scream at the boy, asking why he did such a thing, especially because it was Sungwoon! But he saw how upset Jimin looked and he knew there was much more to the story. As much as he'd like to say "didn't I tell you he was weird?", Taehyung kept his mouth closed and gently rubbed his hand up and down Jimins sleeves. "Why? Why did you cancel on Yoongi? I thought you really wanted to see him?"

Jimin lifted his head, this time looking full of regret. "I did! I really did..." his lips trembled. "I don't know why I did it... Sungwoon came to me on Friday and he tried to convince me to go and I just said yes! He kept saying how it was such a shame that I couldn't go and how he really wanted to see me..."

"That bastard" Taehyung grumbled under his breath. "So he basically guilt tripped you into going, what a jerk"

Now Jimin thought about it, Taehyung was right. Sungwoon had somehow managed to manipulated Jimin in to going to the party, made him feel guilty that Sungwoon had 'looking forward to seeing him'. Jimin really wished he had figured that out sooner and then all of this wouldn't have happened.

He was too naive, thinking Sungwoon was just a friendly guy.

"That's not the end is it?" Taehyung asked to which Jimin shook his head in shame.

"I went to his party... and they gave me drinks and I drank them, and then I wasn't having fun so I wanted to go home but then Sungwoon wouldn't let me and then he took me upstairs and—" Jimin suddenly broke out into tears and Taehyung quickly caught him in his arms, stroking the boys back to reassure him he was there for Jimin to cry on.

"You don't have to tell me yet if you don't want to. Whenever you're ready" Taehyung almost get crying himself after seeing his best friend like this. Anger sparked inside of him, thinking of how Sungwoon was such a manipulative asshole who hurt his friend. His friend who had assumed Sungwoon was just a friend. He really hated Sungwoon, before for it was just a suspicion, a dislike for the boy, but now he had a reason to hate him.

"N-no it's f-fine" Jimin croaked as he pulled away from Taehyung and wiped his eyes. "I'm o-ok."

"You sure?"

Jimin nodded, forcing a smile which was more to convince himself he was ok more than anything else.

"He t-took me upstairs a-and.." Jimin almost got stuck at the same part again but he forced himself through it. "H-he kept calling me baby and w-when I said I didn't like it he kissed me"

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