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Warnings: Angst, kissing, like a makeout kinda part? Is that even a warning?

Description: Jughead seemed off lately, with Jason's death, and the drive-min closing, reader can tell something is off, but cant really pinpoint what

Description: Jughead seemed off lately, with Jason's death, and the drive-min closing, reader can tell something is off, but cant really pinpoint what

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The first time I could tell something was off was when I mentioned the coffeemaker. It was funny how something as simple as the mention of a coffee pot was the spark of my curiosity towards the situation."I swear to god, you drink so much coffee, I'm just going to get you a pot for your birthday so you can save some money." And there it was, the slight twitch in his shoulders and the split second of a tense look on his face before he began laughing along. It was so quick, I was surprised I even caught it, but I did.I never asked about Jughead's home life. He always steered clear of it so I figured it was a touchy subject. I wondered why I hadn't been invited over in... well.... ever. Then I started putting together the bits and pieces of information and realized: I hadn't a clue what roof Jughead was sleeping under at night.Obviously, it was time to investigate.And I had the perfect opportunity one afternoon."Shit, I forgot my textbook at home." Jughead muttered, his head ducked down and searching in his schoolbag."We can walk to your house and get it if you want." There it was, the tense-up. Jughead froze in his tracks for a split second before regaining his composure and kept walking. To anybody else, it would have looked normal, but I wasn't anyone else. I was his best friend, and he was the boy I was in love with."No, it's fine. I can just use yours, right?" Jughead looked at me with almost pleading eyes, and I didn't want to egg him on any longer. I wanted him to open up and tell me the truth, not shut me out."Yeah, of course." I smiled up at my friend and he smiled back reassuringly. Deep down, I knew something was wrong.And a week later, I began to confirm those suspicions."Can you believe they're shutting down the drive-in?!" Jughead screeched at me one morning as I walked up the front steps of our school."Wait, what?" I gave him a confused look."Yeah! Apparently an "anonymous buyer" gave the mayor an offer she just couldn't refuse" Jughead through his hands up in dramatic sarcasm before scoffing and folding them over his chest angrily."Juggie, I'm sorry you're going to lose your job, but- ""it's more than just my job, y/n!" Jughead paused for a second. I watched his Addams apple move quickly as he gulped down words that were threatening to pour out of his mouth. "It's, it's, it's a special place! It's special to us! I took you there when you first moved here! Remember?!""Yeah." I laughed, thinking back to the memories of Jug and I sneaking up to the film roll room and watching through the peek hole while Jughead made sure the tapes were switched out on time."hello?! Earth to y/n?" Jughead waved his face in front of me, and I brought myself out of my quick trip to the past, listening to Jugheads rambling about the drive- in.Jughead brought it up later to our friends as we ate at pop's, inviting Veronica, Kevin, Betty and I to the last drive in on Friday. Of course, they all agreed to go, and we all planned who we would drive with. I decided to walk with Jughead, and Kevin was taking Veronica. Betty was going to go with Archie."I'm going to go to the mayor again and see if I can convince her to keep the drive- in." Jughead told me as we began to part ways that night. I grabbed his sleeve, pulling me back to him."Jughead, why is the Twilight drive-in so important to save?" I asked him, my voice soft and full of concern."It's my job, y/n! I thought that might be an important thing to try and save!" Jughead's words dripped with sarcasm as he yelled at me. He never usually got angry like this."Ok, I'll see you at school tomorrow, good luck." I spoke softly as I backed away slowly. I watched Jughead's face go from angry to apologetic and walked away before he could say anything.Jughead and I didn't really speak much for the next few days. We still walked to class together, and he walked me home. He told me that the Mayor just wouldn't listen to him or give his words any consideration, so I tried going to her myself the day after he did to change her mind."Hello, miss- "I opened the door to her office slowly, speaking with the politest tone I could manage."Miss y/l/n, I'm sorry, but the drive in is closing, and that's final." The mayor cut me off with a firm but somewhat polite tone."I'm sorry to bother you, this is just really important to Jughead. I just wanted to at least try and change your mind.""That's quite alright, miss y/l/n." The mayor smiled at me, staring at me for another moment before speaking again."Jughead is... special. He doesn't have a lot of friends, certainly not any that would at least try to help him with something like this. I'm sorry I can't save the drive in. I wish I could, for your sake and Jughead's, but... "The mayor sighed, rubbing the side of her head with her thumb and forefinger."Thank you for your time." I nodded, beginning to exit the Mayor's office."Y/n?" I turned to the sound of the mayor's voice. "Jughead is lucky to have a friend like you.""Thank you, Mayor." I exited the office, my shoulders heavy.The night of the drive-in, I rode to the lot with Kevin and Veronica, meeting up with Jughead. I found him by the snack counter and smiled as I watched him talk aimlessly with the boy in the booth."Hey, Jug." I greeted my best friend and the boy he was talking to."Hey, y/n/n." Jughead wrapped an arm around me, hugging me tightly. I wrapped my arms around his waist, my head leaning against his chest."How are you feeling?" I asked him, my voice muffled by his shirt. Jughead shrugged before looking down at me with a small smile on his face."Could be better, but you're here, so I guess I'm not under a complete raincloud of doom.""Oh, so just a small one then?" I teased, grinning up at him."Yeah, it's kinda just lingering somewhere behind me, ready to open up and strike me with a lightning bolt at any given moment." I laughed at Jughead's comment."Are you gonna come lay with us on the truck?" I asked him, a pleading look on my face. I grabbed his hand and began tugging him toward Kevin's truck.Jughead sucked in a breath before giving in. "Fine, Fine, I guess I'll be angsty and depressed in the back of the truck instead of in the film room." I jumped happily before intertwining Jughead's hand with mine and pulling him towards the back of the truck. Veronica and Kevin sat curled up in blankets and scooted over so Jughead and I could sit next to them."Ah, it's the official partners in crime, the tag team, the endgame, the- ""I thought Archie and Betty were endgame?" I cut off Kevin before he could throw another couple reference at jughead and I."Yes, but that was before he got vocal with our music teacher." Kevin grinned at his subtle pun and I rolled my eye."Ok, no Archie, no Ms. Grundy, no endgames, let's just enjoy the drive in while we can, alright?" Veronica handed Jughead and I a blanket. I climbed in to Jughead's lap and rested my back against his chest and he wrapped the blanket around us, his arms going around my waist under the cloth."Thank you," Jughead whispered in my ear."For what?" I whispered back, grabbing the popcorn Veronica handed me."The mayor told me you stopped by to see her." Jughead whispered to me. I turned around to face him and he was looking up at the big drive in screen, the lights reflecting off his face and casting shadows under his eyes and chin. He looked painstakingly beautiful. Jughead's eyes flickered down to look at me and he smirked a bit before looking back up at the screen.We stayed almost the whole night, watching movie after movie. The only time Jughead left was to go switch out the rolls as the credits came after the end of every showing. He would re-appear five minutes later, and I would lift the blanket as he hopped over the side of Kevin's truck and resumed his prior position, his arms wrapped around me and his chin on my shoulder. At 4 in the morning, the credits to the last movie rolled, with only a few cars left on the lot. Veronica and Kevin were leaned against each other as they snored lightly, and my back rested against Jughead's chest. I looked up at the mesmerizing boy. He had a hard look on his face and his jaw was clenched, his eyes glossy and shiny, the credits from the screen reflecting off his pupils."Jughead?" I spoke softly, my eyes on the raven-haired boy. He kept his gaze on the screen ahead of him. "Jughead, the construction people will be here soon, we have to go.""You guys go, I'm gonna hang around a little longer." Jughead pulled away from me, climbing out of the truck and disappearing around the side of it. I turned to my friends, shaking them lightly to wake them up. Kevin woke first, carrying a still-sleeping Veronica around to the passenger seat and lying her in it. I grabbed my blanket and my backpack and swung it over my shoulder and waited at the driver's side of the vehicle."Aren't you and Jughead coming?" Kevin asked me, walking around to the front of the car where I stood."No, Jughead said he wanted to stay a bit longer, so I'll wait with him." I hugged my friend before he climbed in to the driver's side."Hey, if you guys do it in the film room, I want details." Kevin grinned devilishly before starting the car and driving away. I just shook my head, laughing at his comment. I made my way to the wall of the film room and leaned against it, folding my blanket. I pulled the bag off my shoulder, sticking the blanket inside.I waited for Jughead for another hour or so, playing on my phone mindlessly. I figured he was soaking up what he could of the film room before Mr. Andrews' company teared it to shreds. The drive- in was his favorite place in town, besides the chock-lit shoppe.I watched as the sky started to get lighter and I checked the time. 6:08 A.M. It wasn't like I had never pulled an all-nighter before, and I wasn't going to leave until I at least made sure Jughead was alright and home safe. I leaned back against the building, hearing birds chirping as the sun rose. Minutes later, I heard a voice from the other side of the building, and I turned my head, kicking off the wall with my heel and poking my head slightly around the corner. I saw the back of Jughead, and he was facing a man that looked familiar. Jughead had what looked like a camper bag hanging off his back, a poster sticking out of it."They'll tear that booth down, too. Raise the whole place, send it to the junkyard." The man in front of Jughead spoke, a smile playing on his lips." And us with it.""Yeah, maybe they'll save it. All the pieces. Store it in the town hall attic and rebuild it in a hundred years. Wonder who the hell we were." I could almost picture the bittersweet smile on Jug's face."Hmm." The man smiled a bit more before his face became serious."So where are you gonna live now?" My heart stopped, a million emotions and realizations hitting me like a bus."I'll figure it out dad, I always do." I watched Jughead walked past him, walking towards the entrance of the drive in. I snuck around the other side of the building, making my way towards the entrance. I managed to beat Jughead to it and stood at the gate, my arms crossed as I waited for the boy I loved.Jughead came around the corner, stopping in his tracks when he saw me. He had what looked like a busted look in his face as I stood there, a blank expression matching the hurt, worry, and concern for the boy."Y/n... what are you still doing here? I thought you-?" Jughead asked me, hoping I hadn't caught on to what was going on."When exactly were you planning on telling me that you were homeless?" I cut him off, my tone of voice coming off as if I were a concerned mother. Jughead opened his mouth, trying to find the words to speak, but gave up, closing it instead."Juggie? Really? I'm your best friend! We tell each other everything? Why would you keep this from me? More importantly, why aren't you staying with your father? Is he homeless too? Did he kick you out? What is going on, Forsythe?! Tell me!" I paced back and forth as I rambled, before turning to look at Jughead. He looked down at the dirt underneath his shoes, His hand wrapped around the strap of his bag. I waited for an answer, my arms spread wide in front of me as I stared at him. Jughead said something that I couldn't make out."What?" I spoke, encouraging him to repeat himself. Jughead lifted his head, the rims of his eyes a dark pink and tears falling down his face. My face dropped quickly, my heart clenching tightly as I looked at the broken boy in front of me."I said," Jughead lifted his sleeve to wipe his running nose." I don't have a home." His voice cracked slightly and more tears fell down Jughead's face as he dropped the bag from his shoulder."Jughead." I dropped my bag as well and quickly ran to the boy, trying to keep my tears from falling as I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. Jughead wrapped his arms around my waist, burying his face in to my neck and quietly crying. We stood there for a few minutes, my one hand rubbing his back and my other pulling off his hat so I could run my fingers through his hair, doing everything I knew in my power that could soothe him."Jughead, Hey, Jug." My hands cupped his cheeks, rubbing the tears away from his eyes while mine began to fall freely." Listen to me, you are not homeless, ok? And you will never, ever, be homeless, as long as I am alive and breathing." I stopped for a second to inhale quickly, my nose stuffed." You are going to come with me to Pop's, and I'm going to buy us breakfast, and then we are going to go back to my house, and you're going to take a shower, because lord knows how long it's been since you've had one," Jughead chuckled lightly at my statement and I also let out a breathy laugh." And then you're going to crawl in to the guest bed, and you're going to get some sleep, because it literally exhausts me every time I see those bags under your eyes. And you're going to stay with me, ok?" Jughead nodded silently, knowing that this was a losing battle."And this never. Happens. Again. You got it? God, Jug, something terrible could have happened to you. We've got a murderer waltzing around town, do you know how easily you could have been killed?" I scolded, more tears falling down my face. I backed away from Jughead, going to grab my bag. "I don't know how I can ever survive without you, ever! I would have dropped dead if anything ever happened to you! You're the most important thing in this entire world to me! I don't even know how- "Jughead grabbed my arm, turning me to face him before leaning down and planting his lips on mine. I stood still for a second, processing the shock of the gesture before wrapping my arms back around his neck and pulling his body closer to mine. Jughead wrapped his arms around my waist, his lips moving against mine. After a few moments, we pulled apart, my chest rising and falling as I caught my breath."Jughead, I- "Apparently, Jughead wasn't done, because he pressed his lips to mine again, taking my breath away once more. We stood at the gate of the drive in for a little while longer, Jughead pushing me backwards until my back was against the fence and his body was pressed firmly against mine. We broke apart when we heard a man clear his throat."Uh, we're gonna have to ask you to leave the premises." The man spoke politely." Construction begins soon.""Oh, sorry sir." I apologized quickly, fixing my hair that Jughead had his fist tangled in moments ago, and grabbed my bag. Jughead did the same, grabbing my hand and leading me away from the drive in and down the street towards Pop's. We stopped at my house so we could drop off our bags and began our trek to the 24-hour diner."Hey, Jughead." I looked up at the boy as we walked hand in hand to the diner. "I love you.""I love you too." Jughead looked down at me, smiling warmly."No, Jughead, I- ""I know, and I love you, too." I stopped walking, causing Jughead to stop as well. Jughead looked down at me and I leaned up, pressing another kiss to his lips.Jughead and I made it to the diner soon after, spotting Archie, Betty, Veronica, and Kevin at a booth. When they saw us, they invited us to sit and Archie and Kevin grabbed chairs from another table."So, did anything happen in the film room?" Kevin wiggled his eyebrows at me as Jughead and I slid in to the booth. I slapped his shoulder before glaring at him."Nah, nothing happened in the film room." Jughead paused momentarily before speaking again." It happened outside the film room." Kevin's mouth dropped open wide."You kinky fuckers!" Kevin hollered. The table laughed as I turned red in embarrassment. I felt Jughead's hand grab mine under the table and I smiled, my fingers intertwining with his.He would always have a home, and it would be with me.

He would always have a home, and it would be with me

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