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It was another cold October morning in Riverdale

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It was another cold October morning in Riverdale. You were forced to walk to school since your car had broken down and was still in the shop and your parents needed a car to get to work. You adjusted your light jacket for the umpteenth time hoping it would somehow provide more warmth.

"Y/n!" A familiar voice called out. You looked down a side street to see Archie running towards you. You smiled, recently you and Archie had gotten closer. You figured your newfound closesness was due to helping him with his science homework.

"Hey Archie."

"Hey, I didn't know you walked to school." He said, panting slightly from the run.

"I usually don't but my car is in the shop so...but what about you? You have that old truck."

"I did have an old truck but..."


"Jughead and me accidentally popped the tires. Apparently old trucks can't handle some concrete and a few Serpent bikes."

"Way to go, Andrews." You laughed while Archie rolled his eyes. Suddenly a gust of wind hit both of you. You shivered at the brisk air while Archie was unfazed.

"Here, take my jacket." The redhead started to remove his signature letterman jacket.

"That's alright. We're just a few blocks away plus I don't want you to be cold."

"I'll be fine, I have a long sleeve on." Archie took off the jacket and handed it over to you. Normally you would have felt guilty but you were really cold and Archie did have a long sleeved shirt on.

When you walked through the front doors of Riverdale High all eyes were on you. You really didn't notice because you were too busy listening to Archie talk about the newest superhero movie.

"I gotta go to homeroom now. Mr. Walter wants to talk to me about some history project." Archie announced once you stood outside your locker.

"Good luck with that. Here's your jacket."

"You can keep it for now. I don't have time to drop it off at my locker. I'll see you at lunch, y/n."

"See you later, Andrews."

"I didn't know you and Archie were a thing." Kevin leaned against the lockers beside yours with a smug grin. You rolled your eyes and closed your locker.

"We're not a thing. We're just friends."

"Mhm sure. If you're just friends then why are you wearing his jacket?"

"Because it's cold outside and I only had on this sorry excuse of a jacket." You started to walk towards your first class of the day but Kevin continued to follow you.

"I know he likes you. I can tell by the way he looks at you during biology."

"You and your conspiracy theories." You huffed. The warning bell ring and you couldn't have been more relieved.

"I have to go but this is not over." Kevin said before quickly walking to class.

At lunch you had just sat down when Kevin, Betty, and Veronica joined you at your usual table.

"So Kevin says you're dating Archie? Care to comment for the Blue and Gold?" Betty asks pointing at pen at you like a microphone.

"Yes, Archie Andrews and I are just friends."

"That answer won't get me a very good article."

"I think you and Archie would be cute together." Veronica chimed in.

"Ugh please stop."

"Stop what?" Archie asked as he sat down beside you.

"Stop...being so dramatic. Y/n is overreacting." Kevin said.

"Y/n overreacting? Never." Archie nudged your arm and you nudged right back. You could tell your three friends were grinning.

As the week went on the teasing from your friends only got worse. Pretty much every time you were even in the same room as Archie they would give you a look or whisper something. When Friday night came you attended the football game to see Veronica and Betty cheer and to watch Archie play. Kevin sat beside you and to your surprise rarely mentioned Archie.

"How much longer is this game going to last? I'm starving." You looked over to Kevin for an answer. He surprisingly knew a lot about football.

"Well there's five seconds left, if we manage to score we'll win the game and if we don't score we lose."

Suddenly a whistle blew and both teams returned to the field and got into position. You watched with slight anticipation as Archie called out a few things before all the players scattered. The next thing you knew Reggie had the ball and managed to score the winning touch down. The crowd erupted with cheers while the players celebrated.

"We better go congratulate everyone. You know how Veronica gets when the cheerleaders don't get as much praise as the football players do." Kevin dragged you down to the field.

"Y/n!" Archie quickly hugged you before spinning you around.

"Woah Andrews." You tried not to giggle. Archie put you down but still kept his arms around you.

"We won! I can't believe Reggie pulled it off!"

"I think you're the one who pulled it off."

You both smiled and continued to embrace one another until the head coach pulled Archie to the side.

"I'll see you and everyone at Pop's, okay?"

"Alright, Andrews." You said before turning around to go find your friends. You didn't have to look hard because they were standing a few feet away.

"So, are you still just friends after that...whatever that was?" Betty asked, an eyebrow raised. You rolled your eyes with a smirk.

"Yes, we're still just friends. Now come on, let's go to Pop's as friends." You said making everyone laugh.

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