Sweet pea part 2

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Warnings: Underage drinking, angry Pea, Panic attack

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Warnings: Underage drinking, angry Pea, Panic attack

It had been a week since Sweet Pea's run-in with the quiet girl and he couldn't get her off of his mind. He didn't know what it was about her that was so alluring, hell, he didn't even know her name. Maybe it was her captivating y/e/c eyes, or perhaps it was her quiet nature, something so foreign to Sweet Pea. Whatever it was Sweet Pea didn't know but he was determined to talk to the quiet girl again.

He of course informed Fangs, Toni, and Jughead since he seemed to always be around. The three of them were no help, they also had no idea who this girl was.

"Can I get another beer Toni?" Sweet Pea asked the pink haired girl. He was at the bar trying to drink his problems away.

"No," Toni answered him.

"You've had 6, I'm cutting you off." Sweet Pea let out a groan and rubbed his face with his hands. Toni gave her friend a concerned look.

"What's up with you Pea?" She asked him.

"Quiet girl." He slurred and put his head down on the table.

"You really gotta learn her name Pea."Toni sighed and put down the glass she was drying to shove Sweet Pea's head. He was so drunk the little force to his head caused him to fall off the bar stool and onto the floor.


Sweet Pea woke up the next morning with an awful pounding in his head. He groaned loudly as he opened his eyes. He scanned the area to see that he was in his room and could just barely recall Fangs and Toni literally dragging him out of the bar and FP driving him home.

Sweet Pea literally rolled off of his bed and onto the floor. He crawled to his closet and grabbed random clothing items and a pair of sunglasses. It was going to be a long day.


"Damn Pea, you look like hell." Fangs said, earning a glare from the hungover Serpent.

"Sweet Pea, are you aware that you have on two different pairs of boots?" Jughead asked him, leaning up against a wall of lockers with a smug look on his face. Sweet Pea scoffed and looked down at his feet to see that he did, indeed have on two different pairs of boots. Toni began to laugh hysterically.

He opened his mouth to say something but stopped when the bell rang signaling first period, and worsening Sweet Pea's headache.

"You can all fuck off." Sweet Pea muttered and turned around to head to his first class of the day.

As he was walking down the hallway he felt someone crash into him. Before looking to see who it was he went off.

"CAN YOU WATCH WHERE THE FUCK YOU ARE GOING YOU IDIOT!" Sweet Pea yelled. He instantly regretted it when he looked down to see who the so-called idiot was that had run into him.

It was quiet girl, shaking with a terrified look plastered on her face. Her mouth was slightly agape, she wanted to apologize but was so scared that the words got caught in her throat.

She clutched her books tightly to her chest and ran in the other direction.

"Fuck." Sweet Pea grunted and ran after her. He stopped at the entrance of the library and his headache, which he had forgotten about, hit him like a ton of bricks.

He shrugged it off and began to peruse the aisles, looking for the y/h/c haired girl. He stopped when he saw her figure sitting against one of the barren bookshelves. There were very few books in there for a library.

She was shaking and had her knees pulled up to her chest as she hugged herself tightly. Sweet Pea walked over to her as quietly as he could, careful not to startle her, and kneeled down to her eye level. Much like their first encounter, Only this time she was scared of him, not a group of Ghoulies.

Y/n's head shot up as she became aware of his presence. She began to shake even more and her breathing was rapid.

"Please don't hurt me." She was barely able to croak out. Sweet Pea frowned at her words.

"I"m not gonna hurt you." Sweet Pea assured her. She didn't seem to calm at what he said. Sweet Pea sighed and rubbed his face with his hands.

"We've got to stop meeting like this princess." Sweet Pea joked. The girl smiled lightly at his comment and her cheeks turned a rosy pink. She looked down at her knees and avoided his gaze.

Sweet Pea smiled and and reached out to rest his hand on her forearm.

"Are you ok?" Sweet Pea asked. The girl slightly nodded.

"I'm sorry about flipping out on you, I'm super hungover right now and have no filter." Sweet Pea said. Y/n let out a short and quiet laugh. Something about this boy, even though he had just yelled at her, made Y/n feel safe and she didn't know what it was until she turned her head to where his arm was placed, and saw the same book tattoo on his wrist that she had on hers.

Leave the rest to you imagination

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