Veronica Lodge

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Male x reader

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Male x reader

You thought Veronica Lodge was the most stuck up brat, daddy's little girl in Riverdale, you thought she was even worst than Cheryl.

Veronica Lodge thought that you were the worlds' most annoying, professional cynic. Worst than Jughead.

And yet, from some devilish plan that has been conjured by none other than the devil himself, you both adored each other. It was surprising to everyone because they were certain that you hated each other's guts, snarky comments left and right, refusing to work in pairs. Often times, trying outsmart each other. Your sarcastic comments always drove Veronica mad.

And, it is one of the things she adored about you.

Yet, in the back of your mind, there was something that was nagging you, biting you and holding you back from even trying to love Veronica Lodge. It was the doubt that you even deserve you, whilst you weren't part of the serpents, you were from the southside. Just on the outskirts that you were still able to attend the same high school as Veronica and not trapped in the high school in the south side.

You weren't the riches, you worked hard to help contribute to your family, you weren't the most classiest, you lacked the description of a gentleman and yet, you wondered why did Veronica even pick you to be hers.

There were better men of choice for her, and you were well aware that they could steal her away from you. There was Archie, the red hair boy that has practically any girl falling at his feet. Athletic and musically talented, and a known ex. You were sure, if, given the chance, Veronica would not even think before dropping you and going back to Archie's arm.

Then, there was Elio Grande, who was notoriously known to the Lodge family from his family, a mind so intelligence to not be envious of him. Not to mention, he was dashing as well, with his smooth talk you wouldn't be so surprised that Veronica would fall for him.

And, lastly, there was Reggie Mantle. The boy was the captain of the football, and if following stereotypes then it's too obvious that Reggie would pick the drop-dead gorgeous cheerleader from the squad. Not to mention, you were well aware that Reggie and she almost became a thing before you had stormed through to her heart.

Then there was you, the lowest of bachelors suited for Veronica. You both knew that you two as a pair was questionable, you were gasoline and she was lit match, together you are bad news, what you haven't figured out yet is that despite the bad things, together you two are an unstoppable force to be reckoned with.

You don't know what had happened really.

You and Veronica were just hanging out and next thing you know is that you two were locked up in jail, underground, stinks of the sewers.

"Face it, asshole, you're stuck with me until we get out of here," Veronica sighs desperately, as you were sitting on the floor with your back against the wall.

"Don't underestimate my willingness to die just to spite you," You answered dryly as Veronica rolled her eyes.

You watched her paced, back and forth, back and forth.

"You're awfully quiet," Veronica stops her pacing as she turns to you, narrowing her eyes, "Are you hurt?"


"Are you coming down with something?"

"Obviously not."

"Are you actually an alien and if so, what did you do to my loving boyfriend named (Y/n) (L/n)."

"Sweet," You chided, shaking your head as your eyes looked bored, "But incorrect."

Veronica crouch down, you pulled your leg up so your knees were brought closer to your chest allowing her to lean against your knees to stable her. You looked at her with lovesick eyes, and you miss the way she returns the look.

"Can I help you?" You asked, "Does a damsel in distress needs her knight in shining armour to save her?"

"You're stuck in here as well, asshole," and yet the asshole was don so affectionately that you couldn't help but smile. You will always be her asshole even when you're not acting like on. "Why are you my boyfriend?"

"Unfortunate circumstances," You replied easily, as she softly kisses your lips, "But, honestly, why am I your boyfriend?"

Veronica pulls back, knitting her eyebrows together and tilted her head, you had to admit she did look adorable when she was looking inquisitive. Then, to your surprise, she smushes your face in between her two hands, squeezing your cheeks as your lips pouted at her, your eyebrows too close for comfort as your eyes screamed confusion.

"You are my boyfriend because I love you for who you are, the quick-witted sarcastic comments. You're funny and ironic at the same time and no one would be able to pull off tactical puns like you do. You're adorable, sexy and downright gorgeous all in one," Veronica expressed, though she could tell you weren't convinced.

You were having this internal battle that Veronica knew haunted you a lot, she knew your worries, she knew your doubts, she knew your insecurities. And, she would happily kiss them away or even fight them if needed.

"You are my boyfriend because money doesn't buy everything. I don't care if you're below-average income because it shows how hard you're willing to work for it, you don't get other to do stuff for you and you're not a slacker. You'd like to say that you do everything to spite everyone but deep down I know you're trying to prove your worth that doesn't need to be questioned."


"And I love you, that's what matters. Our love for each other is enough reason to why we are dating no matter how rocky this relationship started."

"We hated each other," You murmured as she lets go our cheek, your cheeks hurting from the squeeze of affection as you twizzle a strand of her hair, "We couldn't stand each other."

"And now, we love each other and I wouldn't have it any other way."

"You're too good for me," You say, your eyes softening, "I guess we can get out now."

"Hmh?" Veronica asked, raising an eyebrow, "We could get out this cell?"

"Did you try the door-?" You asked.

Veronica's face fell flat as she strides towards the cell door and pulls it open. You looked at her bemused, as she looked at you. You stand up, patting away the dirt.

"Smug?" She asked, lacing her arms around your waist as you slung an arm over her shoulder.

"Entertained mostly, angel," You replied, kissing her head, "By the way, thank you."

"Anything for you."

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