Sweet pea part 1

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Everyone had a soulmate. That one person the universe felt was perfect for you. Everyone is born with a tattoo of something that their soulmate is passionate about, and something that person is passionate about. The thing you were most passionate about was on your left wrist and the thing your soulmate was most passionate about was on your right wrist.

Y/n often worried she would never find her soulmate. She was shy and kept to herself, barely ever speaking, Southside high's resident loner. No one had ever really made an effort to talk to her and she was too nervous to talk to anyone else.

On her left wrist there was a tattoo of a book. A symbol of her favorite thing in the world. On her right there was a snake tattoo. She knew whoever it was was a Serpent and that they must really be passionate about them. Y/n didn't find the snake helpful though, seeing as there were so many serpents at her school. And it's not like she was going to go and try to find her tattoo, she could barely get two words out to the people at this school let alone search for her soulmate.

Sweet Pea on the other hand was determined to find his supposed other half. Contrary to the popular belief Sweet Pea had never gone out with a girl before. He never really saw the point of going out with other girls just to find his soulmate in the end.

Sweet Pea was beginning to get antsy waiting to find his soulmate. All of his friends had found theirs and he was honestly jealous. Fangs had found Kevin, Toni had found Cheryl, even stupid Jughead had Betty. Sweet Pea wanted so badly to find his soulmate.


Y/n's day had already started out pretty rough. The power had gone out the previous night in her house while she was sleeping and still hadn't turned back on so her alarm clock had never gone off and she was late to school. As she walked through the empty hallway she was abruptly slammed into the lockers on the wall next to her. She winced in pain as her head hit one of the graffitied lockers.

"Fuck." She mumbled and turned to see a group of three Ghoulies who had skipped class.

"And who might you be?" The leader of the small group asked as he moved closer to her. Y/n was to terrified to say anything so she just stood there and looked down at her feet.

"I've seen her around before Mike." The second one said.

"What's your name sweetheart?" Who she now knew to be Mike asked. Y/n sucked in a breath and continued to stare at her feet.

"Don't you know it's rude to ignore someone's question?" He said, grabbing her hair and slamming her head against the locker. Y/n let out a quiet whimper.

"What a rude bitch." The third one scoffed. Y/n tried to push through him but was slammed into the lockers again.

"And you're trying to leave during our conversation? Someones gotta teach you some manners." The leader said, grabbing her wrist and moving impossibly closer to her. Y/n turned her head and closed her eyes, not wanting to watch whatever was going to happen next.

She waited for something to happen but it never did. She felt the boys grip leave from her wrist. She opened her eyes to see the leader on the floor with a bloody nose and the other two running down the hall. Standing above Mike was a tall, dark haired boy with a Serpents jacket on.

Y/n wrapped her arms around herself and slid down the lockers and onto the floor. Sweet Pea turned around to see The girl he had just saved sitting on the floor and shaking. He made the right decision to skip first period today.

He walked over to her and crouched down to her eye level.

"Hey, are you ok?" He asked quietly, not wanting to startle her. Her head shot up and she looked into his chocolate brown eyes. She nodded slowly and began to stand up. Sweet Pea stood to his feet and grabbed her forearm to steady her.

"Thank you." Y/n whispered and walked off to her class without another word.

"That was weird." Sweet Pea mumbled to himself. He shook his head and walked off, but thoughts of the quiet girl wouldn't leave his mind.

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