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Pairing: Cheryl x reader

Warnings: just a sprinkle of domination kinks and praise kinks. nothing suspicious here. ahem. fluff at the end. kinda angsty. this turned out sadder than originally planned.

Summary: She has you wrapped around her finger, and she knows it. She absolutely knows it and it’s that more than anything that makes you hate her more. Okay, hate is a strong word. On the outside, you seem like any normal teenage girls who co-captain the cheer squad - always together, visibly hostile, sickeningly fake-sweet to each other - but behind closed doors you are so much more. 

It’s always so fake

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It’s always so fake. The way you two act around each other in front of the others, it’s all so fake that sometimes you wonder how she really feels about you or if this is fake at all. Because as soon as Veronica Lodge and Betty Cooper try out for the team, you can see it. That unmistakable air of ‘don’t you dare disagree with me on this’ that is a clear challenge to your position on the squad.

So, naturally, you oppose her. “I think they did great, Cheryl.” You are just as much the captain as she is.

Those on the team - and probably everyone else in the school - fall for the act every time. At least, they go along with it well enough that you have no reason to think otherwise. They think that you and Cheryl are in a constant battle of dominance - always one-upping each other in your authority over the cheer squad.

Cheryl was ruthless, but you were stubborn; Cheryl buried her feelings so damned deep that you’re starting to wonder if she even has any, but you’re usually an open book when you aren’t guarded. You were constantly butting heads, even when Jason was alive. But that all changed the night he died.

“They literally made out in front of us, as if we’re supposed to accept them like that?” The redhead scoffs, looking at you with those piercing eyes.

You’re going to pay for this later. You can’t fucking wait.

“I liked it,” you grin, throwing a wink to Veronica Lodge who smirks in response. “It shows they want this.”

“You can’t be serious.”

“Just give them a chance,” you say flatly. “Until I’m convinced otherwise, I say they should join.”

She rolls her eyes, turning back to the pair. Her questioning is brutal after that. And when Veronica tells her off, you think Cheryl is really going to lose her shit. But she doesn’t. She remains calm as ever. Even in the changing room, when you take off your skirt as slow as possible because you know it will get her attention and you love the fire in her eyes.

“You can’t keep doing that, you know.” She purposefully turns away from you to pull off her shirt. “I’m the captain of the squad.”

“Co-captain.” You correct with a grin. “I have just as much say as you, Cheryl, even when I disagree.”

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