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h - The Playbook- Jughead Jones

Pairing: Jughead x reader, sad breakfast club x reader (platonic)

Description: Reader is being abused by her father and the gang wants to help
(requested prompt)

Warnings: swearing, mentions of child abuse/domestic abuse, details of abuse, graphic descriptions of violence

graphic descriptions of violence


Everyone in town knew my father hit me. It wasn't a secret, and if it was, it sure as hell wasn't a best-kept one.I constantly heard the whispers around me, the sympathetic gazes when I walked in to school or in to pop's with bruises on my arms and neck. I had eventually got tired of the staring and ended up covering my bruises with makeup. I didn't need their pity. I was fine. I could handle myself.

My friends tried to bring it up a lot. Betty always told me that if I ever need to get away and be somewhere else then her door is always open, same with Veronica. I accepted that offer every once in a while, when my dad came home so drunk that I would probably wake up with more than bruises the next morning, I'd tell my mom where I was going and sneak out my window, locking my bedroom door so my dad would think I was asleep.

When I did end up over there, Archie would be walking in the door right behind me, cracking his knuckles and telling me the same thing he said every time, "Just give me the ok and I'll go beat his ass", and I always said the same thing, that it wasn't necessary and would just cause more trouble.

Jughead was probably the worst.He always wanted to knock the ever living shit out of my father. He could never just let it go. Every day when I met him at Pop's after school, we would sit in the booth all the way in the corner of the diner, and Jughead would ask me what happened the night before, and how bad it was. When he started working at the drive-in, he took a mason jar and started filling it with "runaway funds", telling me that when we were 18, we would get as far away from riverdale as possible, and I would never have to see my father ever again.

Of course, I ended up convincing him to abandon that idea temporarily and buy himself a laptop.He needed to store all his creativity somewhere besides his notebooks for school.So, he bought the laptop, and then he became homeless, which then forced him to keep dipping in to the jar, and he hated it. He always felt guilty about it, but I never held him accountable for it.

Lately, my father had gotten worse. Before he had only used his hands, grabbed me hard enough to leave bruises, pushed me in to walls, that sort of thing. Now he had started using objects, and punching me in the stomach, and it was getting harder to pretend I was ok.

Sometimes it was hard for me to get through the school days, but I sucked it up, and then I went home and sucked it up there as well. It was a constant cycle of sucking up my feelings, but even though it was a struggle, I did it. All my other friends had too much going on in their lives to worry about me or my family issues.

I walked in to school Thursday morning, the routine being the same as usual: Try not to limp, ignore the bruising in your chest, sit down slowly in class so you don't aggravate the bruise on your back, and when the gang asks you how you are, smile and say "good, how about you guys?"

I had it down to a T. I even had Archie and Kevin convinced, Betty not so much. Her and I livedd next door to each other, so sometimes she heard the shouting, and since She had to tell her girlfriend every single detail about everything that goes on in her life, that meant Veronica knew as well. Jughead, well, he can clearly see through all the bullshit that spewed out of my mouth, but he didn't bother me about it too much.

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