Jughead part 2

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Summary:  You've known Jughead for a large portion of his life

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Summary: You've known Jughead for a large portion of his life. You were there as his family struggled when his father got fired, and you were there when they all went their separate ways. Jughead kept to himself most of the time, and since your brother was a Southside Serpent, you took it upon yourself to look after Jughead's father. You get closer to his dad, as well as Jughead, falling for the writer. You realize, to get things back to the way they were, you have to step in yourself and do the mending. But after all this time and with problems of your own, can you get Jughead and his dad back on their feet?

If you knew PJ well, after what happened yesterday, he'd go seek comfort from his best friend.


As you woke up from your makeshift bed on the floor in your brother's one room trailer, you mentally cursed yourself at not realizing it sooner.

Getting your stuff together as quickly as you could, you took a quick shower and got dressed before storming into Carter's room, where he was passed out awkwardly on the bed. Since this happened quite often, you scribbled a quick goodbye on a sticky note on the nightstand, sticking it to his forehead so he wouldn't freak out when he woke up.

When you saw the time on the clock, 7:30am, you sighed in frustration. You could either (a): check up on PJ and make sure he gets to his job in the morning, or (b): go to school and face Jughead.

Knowing the decision wasn't that hard, you grabbed your bug-out bag-the one thing you took everywhere you went. Deciding to keep your brother on lockdown, you took his keys that were carelessly thrown to the floor and walked outside for his beat up Honda.

It doesn't matter if you weren't allowed to legally drive without an adult in the car yet.

The law doesn't need to know everything.

Throwing everything but the keys into the passenger seat, you walked across the trailer park to walk to Jughead's house. Your heart beat faster with every step, despite the fact that you knew the raven-head wouldn't be home.

The door was already partially open, and you panicked for a quick second, stepping hurriedly inside. Seeing PJ passed out on the couch, much like your brother was, caused a sigh of relief to escape your mouth, but it was quickly returned as you realized he wasn't in any shape to go to work.

"PJ," you called, walking over to the man and shaking his shoulder roughly, only receiving a groan. "C'mon Jones, wake up!"

He only turned his head the other way, mumbling something that vaguely sounded like "Leave me alone."

"Ugh," you groaned, rolling your eyes and sitting back onto the floor. A clink of glasses caught your attention, and you suddenly noticed the amount of alcoholic bottles that lay lying around the small trailer home. A stench of stale whiskey hung in the air, and if you had been the same person you were last year, you would've scrunched your nose at the smell. But at this point, you were used to it.

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