Jughead part 2

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(Y/N) , (H/C) , (E/C) - Your name, hair colour, eye colour

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(Y/N) , (H/C) , (E/C) - Your name, hair colour, eye colour.

You and Jughead had finally reached the school dance. It was just as how he described it, student hitting on students, Reggie spiking the punchbowl, Betty and Veronica clinging onto Archie's arm, welcome to Riverdale. Josie and the Pussycats were performing their songs on the stage as everyone danced along to the rhythm. (Y/N) held onto Jughead's arm, feeling a bit self conscious as you watched everyone look so dressed up and fancy.

"Don't worry, (Y/N), you look fine," Jughead reassured you. You looked him in the eyes, sighing but nodding as you gave up and believed him. Jughead always figured out how you were always feeling, although at times you wouldn't show it physically. "It's the school dance, let's make the best of it."

You two walked to the punchbowl, greeting Archie, Betty, Veronica and Kevin.

"Oh my god, no way. You two are literally couple goals. I've got to Snapchat this." Kevin gushed at the sight of you two, making Jughead and (Y/N) blush. He took out his phone and took a quick snap of you two, making Jughead roll his eyes but chuckle.

"Seriously, I had no idea you cleaned up so well, Jughead." Veronica smiled at him. Betty and Archie nodded, although Betty was still blushy over Archie.

"It means a lot guys, thanks?" (Y/N) giggled at the compliments they have been receiving.


A little throughout the night, the rest of the gang danced on the dance floor or Veronica reassured Betty that she was perfect and didn't have to feel self conscious about herself in front of Archie. You and Jughead both sat on the bleachers, a solo cup in one hand filled with two Cokes as you both sipped on them watching Reggie drunk hitting on Miss Grundy.

"This school is a joke, quite frankly." Jughead laughed as he watched Reggie slur something flirty to every girl that walks past him.

"Tell me about it. But don't you think Riverdale's been a little different since the death of Jason? I mean, even Cheryl's changed, and she's the queen bee." (Y/N) said, taking her (E/C) off Reggie and moving to Cheryl, staring up at the big banner of her dead twin brother, Jason Blossom.

"I've noticed that. Hey, have I told you that I'm writing a novel about it? If you want sometime, I don't know, would you like to go to Pop's and maybe read what I've got so far? Y-you don't have to if you don't want to, it's just I haven't told anyone about it yet besides my dad, but my dad's too busy to read it at the moment." Jughead blushed which made your heart flutter. You hated seeing Jughead sad at times, since he is your best friend and your crush, you knew you couldn't let him down.

"That sounds interesting. I'd love to, Jughead. I haven't seen you write in so long since you've drifted away from Archie." (Y/N) smiled at him, making him smile too at the sight of her being so interested in his writing.

"R-Really? I-I... thanks, I guess." Jughead stared down at his cup before looking back into her eyes. The both of them piercing together their sight made them not realise they were leaning in. As soon as their lips were about to reach, an announcement on the microphone changed from Josie's to Archie's.

"Hey everyone. Uh, I don't usually sing in front of this many people, but we're gonna take things a little slower. Grab a partner and I hope you enjoy." And with that, the atmosphere in the room changed, everyone going quiet apart from Archie singing on stage. (Y/N)'s eyes widened as she looked back at Jughead once again.

"You know, a little birdy told me that they promised me a dance." (Y/N) smirked at Jughead.

"Oh, no, no, no, (Y/N) you know I can't dance. I-I... I don't dance." Jughead blushed.

"Please, Juggie? You promised me, and it's only one song for one night and I won't ever ask you again." (Y/N) pouted as she fluttered her eyes at him, finally making Jughead give in.

"Fine, fine, okay. Come on." He smirked, standing up from the bleachers and holding a hand out. You smirked back up at him, standing up too and interlocking your fingers with his, guiding you to the dance floor to join everyone else.

As both of your feet hit the ground, you both stared each other. Not sure who to lead who as to admit, you didn't have much dancing experience either, you took Jughead's handing and placed them on your waist.

"I'm no expert, but I'm pretty sure these belong here," (Y/N) giggled softly as she slowly placed her hands on Jughead's shoulders. "And I'm pretty sure these belong here as well." That made Jughead's lips escape a snort.

"And now what?" Jughead whispered down to you.

"Well, from my knowledge in cheesy teen movies, I think we just stare at each other and sway along to the music." And that's exactly what the two of you did. She had to admit, Jug wasn't bad at all at dancing, which surprised her since he persuaded her that he was awful at it.

The way they both held onto each other was warm and felt right. They both moulded together so perfectly and fit in each others arms like a jigsaw puzzle. Your fingers carefully played with the raven haired boys locks at the back of his neck, making him smile down at you as he carefully cradled you gently in comfort. The two of you knew that the song was soon coming to end, although the both of you wanted to stay like that forever. And then suddenly, it felt like all disappeared. It was just you, Jughead, and the music carrying you into a romance. And just like that, Jughead leant down ever so slowly and attached his lips with yours in a romantic, yet passionate, kiss. He moved his hands to hold your face steady and (Y/N) moved hers to his shirt to grip onto.

As the song finally came to a end, unfortunately your kiss did too. But Jughead still held onto your cheeks, staring deeply into your (E/C) eyes as he brushed a fallen strand of your (H/C) hair back. You gently placed your forehead against his, closing your eyes as you just remembered what just happened.

"I love you, Jughead Jones."

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