2.First Day with Him

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{a/n: Forgive my grammar mistakes}

Tee's POV

Have you guys ever feel that you are the luckiest person on this earth? If yes than good for you but if no then let me tell you, it is the happiest feeling you'll ever have in your life.

Why I am asking this? Well obviously because that's what I am feeling right now.

It's such a co-incidence that how mine and P'Tae's name rhymes. His name is Tae and mine is Tee.. TaeTee... amazing, is't it? Not only our names rhymes but we also have our birthday's in same month, mine on 5th December while his on 26th December, so freaking amazing.
{a/n: Yeah Tee... mine b'dy too.. should I consider myself lucky too?}

Day of the final audition (flashback)

I went home after getting confirmation letter and contracting sign with them. I do not have any manager of my own because I was earning just enough to pay for myself and my brothers and fulfill our daily basic need.

It's not like we were living poorly but we were not living luxurious life too. So I cannot afford to have manager and no casting agency was sponsoring me that time. I was doing everything on my own till now.
{a/n: again.. I don't know how everything takes place in entertainment industry so I am just writing whatever I feel is right}

After finishing all formalities I went home to give surprise to my lovely nongs. As soon as I reach home...

"How was it P'Tee?"- Bas
"Did you get selected?"- Copter

"Tsk..what are saying P'Cop..of course he would have get selected. I have no doubt on my P'Tee" Bas said with proud smile on his face.

"I..I am so sorry nongs... I am sorry.. I know you guys have high expectations from me but I am sorry to inform you that I did not get selected." I said with sad tone and almost crying.

time to show some acting skills

"I don't believe you phi.. you are lying right?? You're acting."- Bas said with almost crying.

Oh God I can't see any of my brother cry..but I need to remain in character..I want to see their happy face when they'll get good news.

"I am not lying , it's true. Do you guys know Jay, my biggest rival?" they nodded

"Well..he...he got the role." and a tear escape from my eye.

"What??? NO." both of them said at same time slump down on couch with gloomy face.

I took out contract from my bag and put it in front of their face.

"What is this phi?"- Copter

"Read it yourself." I said almost controlling my laughter.

They start reading it...after they finish reading I can sense dark aura coming from both of my brothers.

I guess it's time to become Usain Bolt now... run Tee run...

"Seriously P'Tee how can you do that to us. "- Copter said running towards me.
"I am gonna chop you into small cubes and serve that in dinner."- Bas said ..also running towards me.

Well whenever Bas gets angry he kinda becomes cold blood killer.. so it's better not to make him angry otherwise you can say bye bye to world. Well..no he did not kill anyone in reality but he'll make your life living hell by planning numerous pranks on you.

And Copter, he becomes angry Mom.. he will starts scolding you non stop until he clams down a bit on his own.

Tsk I wonder who is going to handle these two for their whole life.

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