8.Courting Begins

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{A/n: Because I can't get over this performance and ironically it is kind of similar to my story. Two people fighting for Tee :P }

Forgive my grammar mistakes.

Tae's POV

Have you guys ever been in love with someone but you keep on denying your feeling because your ego was way too bigger than your love? If yes then trust me you are making a mistake and if no then good for you.

Now that I think of all time that I spend with Tee, I realise that I was already in love with him without me knowing it. How do I know it? Do you guys remember when Tee fall sick due to getting wet in rain? Yes..that was the first time when I was worried about someone else in my life other than my friends and family. I didn't understand that time why I was worried though, because yes my ego was so big that it denied that I can feel something for a boy.

When I drop Tee at his home after visiting hospital...now I know why I ran my fingers through his hair and cheek, because I wanted to touch him....make him feel loved. After that there were quite a few moments like this, but I choose to ignore what was going inside my heart.

Ego wins over my heart again and again.It was time to listen to my heart.

And now here I was standing in front of Tee in a cafe, looking at his face closely.

"Tee, are you okay? Did you get hurt?" I ask him

"No I am fine, thank you for not letting me fall." he said while smiling.It was fake smile.

"If you have nothing else to say P'Tae then can I have my Tee back. We are on date here." Jay said.

Oh yeah..I forget Jay is also with Tee.

"Yeah..sure..I..I was about to give my order." I said

They nod at me and went inside cafe. I gave my order and decided to sit a little bit far from them from where I can see them. I can say that they were really happy with each other. Tee was smiling and laughing a lot, somehow I wish the reason of his smile to be me.

My order arrived... as well as theirs. My full concentration was on Tee only, I just wanted to talk to him for a minute. I want to tell him that I am really sorry for my stupid behavior, I need to apologize to him. I was so lost in my thought that I didn't realise that they were ready to leave.

"Tee you go ahead I'll be back in a min..I need to use washroom." Jay said while giving peck on Tee's lips.

That hurt

It was good opportunity for me to reach Tee and talk to him. I know after what I did to him he will not talk to me alone, it's not his fault , I deserve that.

Tee left the cafe, I walk behind him. He was waiting near car, I went towards him.

"Tee..can we talk..please?" I said in pleading tone.

"What is it you want to talk about now Khun Darvid?" he said in cold tone.

Khun Darvid??

"I..I want..I want to apologize Tee?" I said with my head hung low.

"For what ?" he said

"So many things..can..can we talk .. somewhere else...just you and me...please."I said.

"No..I don't want to. Now please leave me alone." He said and start walking towards cafe again.

"Please..Tee..I am sorry..please listen to me ...just once." I said while grabbing his wrist making him stop.

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