41.Yes or No

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Happy Eid to all Muslim readers out there.

Forgive my grammar mistakes



Tee's POV

"HE DID WHAT????" My brothers shouted as soon as I told them that P'Tae has ask me to marry him. 

We were sitting in canteen of the hospital. P'Tae was still admitted due his low blood pressure, I think he is worrying too much about me.

"Umm..he proposed me."

"We know, but why...I mean why so sudden??" Bas said while texting someone.

He must be texting his phi about P'Tae's proposal.

"I don't know, I guess after what happened earlier he is kind of scared that he will loose me one way or another and that's why he wants to marry me sooner."

I look at Copter, he was busy looking something in his phone not paying attention to me and Bas talking. 

"What are you looking for Copgi?" I snatch his phone away from him.

"Hey..wait....give me my phone back..." he tried to take his phone back from me but failed to do so.

I look at his phone and I was not surprised to see what he was looking in his phone. I don't call him mommy Copter just like that, this guy has every quality of being called mother.

"You were looking for wedding hall??? Seriously??" I gave him his phone back and smack his head lightly. 

"So what if I was looking for it, sooner or later you two will end up marrying each other, so why not now?" he said.

"I know..I know this mommy, but I don't want him to take his most important decision of his life like this. I mean he is in vulnerable state and I don't want him to make any decision just because he is scared to loose me. What if tomorrow he will regret his decision by marrying me? What about his acting career, it will also get affected by this." I said.

"P'Tee, I think you are more worried about P'Tae's career than his happiness. Just try to think from his point of view too, he is not wrong at his place. What would you have done if you were at his place?" Bas said.

He is right, if I was at P'Tae's place then I would have been scared to loose him too. I think I need to talk to P'Tae about this matter.

"You are right, I guess I need to talk to him. I will go now, see you guys later." I get up and walk towards P'Tae's room.

While I was going to his room I bumped into someone.

"Oh sorry, I didn't see you coming." I said bowing my head down.

"It's okay Khun Tee no need to apologize."

That voice

"Dr.Baramee?? How come you are here? Are you okay?"  When I look at his face, his eyes were red and swollen.  

"I..I am fine...it's just..." he didn't finished his sentence, he hug me and started crying harder.

I wonder what happen?

I hug him back and start rubbing his back a bit , I let him cry for a while. After he was bit calm I made him sit on chair nearby and sat beside him.

"Do you want to share what happen?" I said holding his one hand.

He nodded and start speaking with his sobs,"My...my husband....Forth...he...he has left me...forever."

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