33.Son of a Peach :/

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A/n: Is it just me who thinks that Tee and August looks so much alike???

Btw..this video just made my day <<33

Forgive my grammar mistakes

Tae's POV


P'Janean went near her and started talking to her.

I can see Tee's body turning pale after seeing her in front of us. I can understand his condition, even if we know truth about Peach it was almost impossible for us to trust her. Tee was very much scared that she might do something dangerous to me or him.

I went near Tee and gave him side hug, I was also trying to control my anger after seeing her. I know  if she will see any odd behavior in me or Tee then she will get suspicious. 

"It's okay baby, don't worry, I am here with you and she won't be able to do harm to us here." I said almost in whisper.

He took a deep breath and nodded. I also took few deep breaths, hold Tee's hand went towards Peach.

Time to show some acting skills.

"Hey Peach, what a pleasant surprise." I said faking smile.

"Hello Peach, long time no see, how are you and did Jay also come with you?" Tee said also faking his smile.

"Oh hey guys, actually I couldn't get in contact with any of you for past few days so I thought why not come here and meet you guys." she said in sweet tone which was sounding like a poison to my ears.

"Oh Jay is here, he is outside talking to someone." She said.

Ever since we found out the truth about Peach, Tee was very much worried about Jay. He keep saying that what will happen when he will find out the truth about Peach, he will be devastated.

"Hello guys, long time no see. Where have you guys hidden yourself?" Jay said coming inside dining room.

As soon as Tee sees Jay, he went near him and hugs him tightly. I can totally understand him, Jay is the only friend he have and the thought of Jay getting hurt by Peach in future was making him worried about Jay a lot.

"Oookaayy...it's not like I am complaining but why are you suddenly showing your love to me? Usually you are always ready to kill me." Jay said hugging Tee back.

"Tsk!! What the hell Jay, don't ruin the moment please. I just missed you, that's all." Tee said still hugging Jay.

Okay, I think he is hugging him way too much, I should go and separate them now.

"Ahem..Tee... baby, let them sit , or you want to spend your whole night hugging Jay." I said in calm tone.

"Ohh..yeah..sorry..come let's sit Jay." Tee said separating him from Jay's embrace.

We all sat at dinning table, dinner was served. Tee and me were sitting together at one side of the table, whereas Jay and Peach were sitting opposite to us. Peach was sitting right in front of Tee. We started eating our dinner with little bit of talking.

"P'Jay, it's nice to see you again. It's been a while since we met." Copter said.

"Yes phi, we missed you very much, but I guess you were busy that's why you didn't care to meet your nongs." Bas said pouting.

"It's not like that I didn't wanted to meet you guys, I missed you guys also. But I was busy with shooting and all. And yeah Tee, I met your grandfather also, he...well...he is kind of regretting of what he said to you guys earlier. he even went to your house to meet you and ask for forgiveness but you were not there." he said.

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