10.Forgive or not?

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{a/n: a light chapter for my lovely readers. I guess you people have cried and got angry enough, so here is reward for you.I hope you'll like it.}

{Warning: super angry Tee}

Forgive my grammar mistakes.

Tee's POV

"Tee..please..forgive..me." I thought he woke up, but he was mumbling in his sleep.

"Tee..I..am..sorry." he said again and this time a tear roll down from his eyes.

I felt pang in my chest. Was I being too harsh on him?? Should I forgive him??

I wipe his tears, stroke his hair gently and start caressing his face.

"Why are you so stubborn phi, I know you are regretting what you did to me but I need time to forgive you. Please get well soon, I can't see you like this." I whisper to him and gave a peck on his forehead.

Due to my movement he opened his eyes slowly, he look at me for few seconds and said, "What happen to..cough..cough..me?" 

"You fainted phi, doctor have given you injection you'll be fine soon. P'Godt and P'Kim are here to take you back to your house." I said .

"I am sorry Tee.. do you hate me that..cough..cough..cough..cough..cough..cough." he starts coughing very badly.

I pour some water in glass and gave it to him."Here..drink this and take this medicine. You still have mild fever, we can talk when you will feel better."

He gulp down the medicine and said," No Tee..I..I want to talk now, because I don't know when I will..cough..cough.. get the chance again to be this close to you."

I didn't say anything, he sat straight up on bed and start looking around my room. 

"Hey...isn't that my ..cough..gift..?" he said pointing towards a collage with my pics on it that he gave it to me.

Aish!! Why didn't I hide all his gifts when he was asleep, now he will think that I have forgiven him. Tsk!

"Ye..yes..so what..those are my pictures, and I am looking so handsome in all these pics. How can I throw it away.Don't think anything else Khun Darvid." I said faking anger in my voice.

"Really?? Okay..if you..cough..say so." he said with his one brow raised. I know he didn't buy my lie.

"Well...you can rest a bit more I will go out and see what other's are doing." I got up from bed and leave the room.

I need to hide all evidence now.

I walk back into living room, P'Godt was busy showing something to Bas on his phone. I guess it was his family pics, but instead of looking at his phone he was busy admiring my little brother. Seriously what's cooking in his mind?

 Copter and P'Kim were gone. I move towards Bas and ask him, "Where is Copter and P'Kim?"

They got startled with my sudden appearance.

"Ohh hey phi..umm..they are in kitchen. P'Kim wants to help P'Cop with cooking." Bas said.

"Okay..by the way P'Tae is awake now..but before I ask him to come out... I...I need your help to hide all his gifts that he gave to me. Pleaseeeeeee." I said with my puppy eyes.

"No need to make this adorable face with phi...I will help you anyway." Bas said getting up.

"P'Godt..can...can..you help too." I said. But he was still busy looking at Bas's face.

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