43. TaeTee Kreepolrerk

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{a/n: Don't forget to read my One shot "BOYFRIEND" in TaeTee's one shot}

Forgive my grammar mistakes


Tee's POV

"Will you marry me?"

His eyes went wide as soon as I ask him to marry me. He didn't say anything for a while and was standing still with no expression on his face. My heart was beating like crazy when I was proposing to P'Tae. I never thought I will ever propose to him like this, I hope he will say yes.

"Umm..P'Tae...my legs are getting numb...answer please."

"Yes...of course yes..I will marry you my baby Tee..I am just shock that you are the one who proposed to me...I am...so...happy." P'Tae pic me up and wrap me in his arms. awe kissed each other and slip rings into each other fingers.


"Did you capture everything?"

"Yes I did...P'Cop.. I can't believe our P'Tee is engaged now."

Yeah, I was the one who called everyone at this place and ask them to present there when I will propose P'Tae but remain hidden from his eyes. And they are not the only one who were present there, I even called the news channels and ask them to telecast this live and yeah don't forget about our fans too.

I just wanted to make P'Tae feel happy, after what has done to help me and accepted my love, I just want to do something big and special for him.

I signal everyone to come out of their hiding places after P'Tae accepted my proposal. P'Tae was shocked to see so many people suddenly appearing out of nowhere.

Bas,Copter, P'Kim, P'Godt, Jay, Beam, Grandpa and P'Tae's family, all of them were present there to celebrate our happiness. They starts throwing confetti, flowers petals all over us and congratulated us.
{a/n: Yeah, Jay and Beam are together, but I didn't write about them because many people were angry at me for killing Forth :P }

"Thank you so much for making this day so special for me baby. I love you so damn much." P'Tae said in tears.

"You deserve it love and I love you so so much." I said wiping his happy tears and gave him a tender kiss.

"We are so happy for you." everyone came and gave both of us a group hug.

Our news of getting engaged was top on trending topics in Thailand. We were headlines of many channels , many people were extremely happy for us while there were few who were not.

Freaking homophobic 

We did not wait long to get married, after our engagement we decided to get married within a month or two, but due to our tight schedule it was becoming impossible. So we decided to wait for our shooting for next movie to get finished and then only get married.

Copter being mother figure was crying a lot with thought of me leaving him and Bas and living with P'Tae. I told him that I won't leave them and with them only until they are settled on their own, it finally made him stop crying.

And Bas, well I thought he will be crying buckets too, but he was just happy for me. Yes, he was sad due to the fact of me leaving him, but he did not cry or maybe he did, but didn't show it in front of me. Maybe he wanted to look strong in front of me, so that I won't get worried for him and Copter.

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