39. Executing the plan

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Forgive my grammar mistakes

Tae's POV

Today is the day when we will finally execute our plan and make Peach confess everything that she has done so far,I hope she will fall into our trap easily. While thinking about it I dialed her number, after few rings she pick up.

"Hello P'Tae."

"Hello Peach, ummm...are you busy right now?"

"No..I am free..actually I am at cafe nearby your place only."

"Owh..great, stay there I will come, I need to talk to you about something very important."

"Okay. I'll send you my location, see you in bit."

After cutting the call, she send me her location. I pick up my car keys and went outside to meet her. After reaching cafe I park my car and went inside, I was wearing face mask , hat and shades so that no one can recognize me. 

Meeting her again is going to be torture for me, but I need to do it for everyone's sake.  

"Hello Peach."

"Ohh phi, please have a seat."

"Do you want to order something to eat or drink phi?"

"No I am good, actually I can't stay longer so I will come straight to the point. You see, I am planning to get married to Tee.........today only." I said and look at her face, she has this killer expression on her face for a second but it soon changed to fake happiness.

"Oh really...wow...I never thought it will be this soon. By the way , when did you ask him to marry you and why so suddenly?" she asked.

"Umm..actually I did not ask him to marry me, I am going to marry him directly. But he don't have any idea about this, everyone knows expect him."

I thought she will ask about Jay when I will tell her about me marrying Tee but she didn't. Max was right this girl is so selfish that she don't even care to ask about Jay. Even though she knows that he is in hospital she never once tried to meet him or ask about him. She always make excuses whenever P'Janean ask her about her visit to Jay. She didn't ask about Jay so I also didn't bring his topic up, it will be good for our plan only.

"So how can I help you..P'Tae?"

"Umm..you see..everyone else will be busy preparing for wedding so I need you to distract Tee for the day and when evening comes bring him to this hotel room, blind fold him and bring him down to aisle when I will give you the signal. And yeah I have booked whole hotel so no one will be there expect for us." I said giving her information about hotel and room.

I can see anger rising on her face but she was trying very hard to control it.

"Wh..what if Tee will ask about hotel being empty?" 

"About that, you have to blindfold him as soon as you reach the hotel, if he ask why you are doing this then you have tell him that there is a surprise waiting for him and he won't ask again, okay." I said.

She had a little evil smirk on her face after hearing about my plan. I  know she must be thinking of ways to use this situation in her favor.

"So after I will leave, you will directly go to meet Tee at house and bring him out. Go for shopping or anything. Buy some good clothes for him and make him wear it, I want my baby to look most beautiful today."

"Will do phi, all the best for today."

"Yeah,okay then bye, see you later. Please take very care of my baby." 

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