Announcement: Very Important

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Warning: Following video might disturb you, don't watch it if you have fragile heart.

Yesterday evening there was a horrific incident that took place in Surat, Gujrat(India) where fire occurred burning the third and fourth floor of building complex. 

At fourth floor there was a coaching center where students were studying at the time when fire took place. In order to save their life, many student jumped out of the building causing few of them to die.

More than 20 students died in this incident, few are in critical condition and few were able to survive out of 30 students in total.

My reasons for sharing this video and formation is because of following reasons:

1) If your children is going somewhere to study in complexes like this, then make sure that building have proper safety precautions if God forbid, anything like this takes place.

2) Not only your child, even if they are your siblings , friends or even you are attending classes somewhere then make sure of this.

3) If you are witnessing something like this, then instead of making videos and taking pics, please try to help them. Even a small help can save life of many.

It is not a minor issue, it is very major and it should be taken seriously.This incident has literally shook my soul.

P.s: I am still wondering why none of the teacher was harmed in this incident??? Why only students??

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