32.Stalker revealed!!!!

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This short gay movie was released on YouTube on Mother's day. Just go and watch it. It's really good.

@Natsumi_Montalvan You guessed the stalker correctly. (^_*)

Forgive my grammar mistakes

Tee's POV

"P'TAE, WHERE ARE YOU????" I was crying and screaming like crazy, I don't know where P'Tae was. I was searching for him for few hours in this forest but couldn't find him.

"P'TAE..PLEASE...ANSWER ME...Please P'Tae, say something." I drop on knees and started crying hard.



 I can hear his voice coming from far. I get up and started following the source of the voice. After walking for few minutes I finally reach to a place where P'Tae was. He was on his  knees, with his head hung low, hand tied back and clothes all dirty with few blood spots and there was a person pointing gun at his head.

"WHAT THE FUCK YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING TO HIM?" I yell at that person in rage.

"Ohhh..so you finally came. See, I told you he will come looking after you. Thank you for calling him for me, now his life will be spare..... or not, will see about it later. I must say, you guys love each other so much that it make me feel jealous. I think it will be honor for me to kill you both at same time, don't you think so?" that person said with evil laugh.

"NO..Please don't kill him. I am your enemy, he did nothing wrong to you. If you want to kill someone then kill me, please don't hurt him,please." P'Tae said in begging tone.

That person come near me, grab me by my nape and lick my neck. I tried to push that person, but failed to do so.

"Aaarrgghh!! DON'T YOU DARE TO TOUCH HIM AGAIN." P'Tae said trying to break the ropes on his wrist.

"Or what??? What can you do to me in this state in this state Khun Tae??? You know what, I think it will be better if I will kill just one of you so that other one will die suffering from longing of his partner. What do you say?" that person now put the gun on my head.

"NO...If you want to kill someone then kill me, please. Don't kill him." P'Tae said.

"Okay, as you wish." that person said and pull his trigger.


P'Tae fall down on ground , that person shot him on his chest and forehead.

My eyes were wide open from the shock, I can't believe P'Tae is really... dead?

"NOOOOO, P'TAE." I run towards him and put his head on my lap.

"P'Tae, open you eyes...please...phi..you can't leave me...please phi." I was shedding tears and tapping his cheeks, but he was not moving at all.

I shook his body a little, tap his cheeks rapidly, but it was of no use. 

"P'Tae...please..wake up for me....just once." I was hugging his lifeless body and crying continuously.

P'Tae finally left me.


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