49.) Butterflies

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2:45 am

"Y'all niggas be safe." He spoke walking up to his door.

"Mhm, yo ass better wrap it up!" Ty yelled out the window as Jamel backed out.

Laughing, King flicked them off and reached inside his pocket for his house key.

Tripping over something, he cursed looking down.

Squinting, he squatted down and stared at the pizza box.

"What da hell?" He mumbled picking it up and looked inside.

Standing, he inserted the key and unlocked the door.

Opening it, he stepped inside and looked around the living room.

"Nae?!" He called closing the door.

Putting the box on the table, he headed towards the back and walked into the bedroom.

The tv was on the dark screen and he placed his keys on the dresser.

Removing his hoodie, he cut the lights on then looked behind him.

"Nae?!" He called.

Walking further into the room, his eyes traveled to the bathroom.

"Shit!" He cursed rushing over to Renae's side.

Looking for any pills or razor, he let out a sigh of relief not seeing any.

Pressing his fingers into her neck, then touching her forehead he felt how hot she were.

Picking her up, he walked into the room and laid her on the bed.

Heading into the bathroom he grab a rag and ran it under the cold water.

Once back inside the room, he placed the rag on her forehead and sat on the floor staring at his shoes.

"Got damn." He mumbled, shaking his head.

A few minutes went by and Renae began to stir and mumble things.

Turning on her side, she felt around the bed for King.

"I'm right here." He spoke startling her.

Picking up the rag, he sat it on the dresser then stood up.

"What time is it?" She asked rubbing the back of her neck. "Almost three, what happened?"

"I don't know." She mumbled laying back. "I had another flashback."

"How'd you end up in the bathroom?" He asked sitting next to her.

"I was trying to get to the sink but I collapsed." She answered then sighed.

"I gotta keep you by my side, you scared me."

"I'm sorry, you probably thought I tried to kill myself again." She mumbled and he stared at her for a moment.

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