you give me the whole damn zoo (Vkook)

538 2 0

By: themelonlord

"Taehyung, I don't think this is a good idea," Jimin complains as he follows closely behind Taehyung, "I mean, what do you know about this kid? He looks like some punk."

Taehyung rolls his eyes and laughs, "You know better than to judge a book by its cover." He spots Jeongguk standing by some lockers, probably one of them is his, but he doesn't look like he's going anywhere.

"See? He looks lost," Taehyung points out, "It's our job, as seniors, to offer a helping hand to new students."


aka. taehyung learns what it means to have friends, that not everyone is as mean as those bullies that pull on his ears and make fun of his tail.

Chapters: 1
Words: 31,111

Taehyung has been bullied for having cat ears and a tail. His only friend has been Jimin. Jungkook is the quiet new kid that Taehyung wants to befriend and then develops a crush on.

Slowly, Jungkook becomes more comfortable around Taehyung and Jimin. And one day he sneakily took Taehyung out on a date.

Cuteness and happy endings.

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