At Your Hands (Vkook)

430 3 1

By: taekookmusings

if you have a soul mate, the morn of your fourteen birthday the words that indicate who your soul mate is are inscribed on the inside of your wrist. it's no cause for celebration — these words are the last words your soul mate will ever say. some people are lucky and manage to spend a long life with the person of their choosing and find out when they're old and grey that this person was their soul mate all along. however, the vast majority of the population find out when it's much too late. to many, the words on their wrist serve as a reminder that true happiness may never be theirs.

Chapters: 1
Words: 12,029

I guess I hate myself. I knew this was gonna be sad going into it and I still read it. Now I'm trying to not cry in public

Hunger games AU. Jungkook is from district 1 and Taehyung is from district 12. Taehyung was so friendly, talking to all the tributes. He was the only person Jungkook didn't want to see die.

Beautiful story. The tone was very somber from the start, so you knew it was gonna end sad. The author includes the aftermath of the games and everything and it's just heart breaking.

BTS Fanfics that are really good and you should go read them !Where stories live. Discover now