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The song in the top is the one mentioned in this part and I really recommend you guys to listen to it. Also the series is Quicksand (Störst av allt) on Netflix and I really recommend you to watch it, it's so great and I've never felt so much while watching a series before. 

I also listened to this song through out this whole part so I guess you have it to thank for me writing two parts in one day. 


The music comes flowing from the speakers and all I can think is that we made it. We actually created this.

Somehow every time we finish a song it feels like such an unbelievable feeling, like you can't really believe that you actually created this piece of music.

"This is amazing." I smile to the male standing just a few feet away from me, I don't remember his name but I do know that my label told me he was important to impress, guess I succeeded considering his words.

We keep listening through the now finished album and when we're at the last song I know that this is going to be great, this is me pouring my soul out. I want to write this kind of music for the rest of my life. The kind of music that makes you feel.

"It was great meeting you Harry, I'm looking forward to work with you in the future." The man say and we shake hands, I somehow feel proud that this complete stranger likes my work... this stranger that is important.

"Let's go get you something to eat before we head to Globen where you will perform on idol." I follow the people around so I don't get lost.

When we get in to the car I hear the song on the radio and asks the driver to turn it up. I don't know what she is singing but I know that this song was in the series Louis and I watched. This was the one in the third episode when Maja was remembering Amanda... I remember how Louis looked away with tears streaming down his face.

What he didn't see was the tears that fell from my eyes too.

That scene was such a sad scene and I have never watched a series that makes me feel so much before.

The whole series just brings up so much that the world needs to speak more about, there is so much going on in it that you can't stop watching it even when the things are horrible.

I can almost feel the tears building up in my eyes when I listen to the slow song, the music and voice is filled with so much emotions.

"Who is this singer? She is so talented." I ask the drivier when the song is almost over.

"This is Molly Sandén, I think. I don't know a lot of artist but my daughter plays her music all the time." The driver answers, he have a smile on his face when he talks about his daughter.

I make a little mental note in my head to remember her name so I can listen to more of her music. Maybe even message her and tell her that her voice is one of the most beautiful voices I've ever heard.

We keeps driving through Stockholm, I want to call Louis but I know he is practising so he won't be able to answer yet. I've been in Sweden for three days and we have only been able to talk for a few minutes now and then, its hard being away from him.

I miss talking with him and just be myself, not having to worry what the world might think of me.

People keeps asking about us when I have interviews, I just smile and tell them that Louis is great, not saying if he is my boyfriend or not... I don't want to say something officially, not without knowing that it's okay for Louis to call him that.

I hate labels... can't you just like each other, and want to be with each other without having to put labels? Can't we just be Louis and Harry?

"We won't have time to actually stop anywhere to actually sit down in the restaurant to eat so we will just buy something you can eat fast." I listen to the lady who is sitting beside me, I think her name was Jennifer but honestly it could also be something completely different. I don't know any of these people more than maybe one, one that usually just hangs around in the background back in the UK. I never even learned his name.

"That's okay, just get me something that will fill my stomach for now." I mumble out, not really caring anymore...

They just send me of to places without actually giving me any information about what's going to happy. I'm just their poppet that they play with until the next shining thing comes along.

I take out my phone and look down at the lock screen. No notifications, not that I was expecting any. I don't have any notifications on anything more than just texts and stuff like that. People don't really message me over text because they want to keep everything on twitter... out in the open so that people might notice them too.

The picture of Louis makes me smile, he looks so cute in it.

He holds that damn glass of red wine from that night, the same red wine that was in my glass that night, which later that night ended up on the floor.

I then remember something that he said that night, something that stuck with me. I open out conversation and smile when I see the last text he sent.

From Louis:

I'm off to practise, can't wait for you to get back home so we can wander around London at night.

I wasn't able to answer him before I went to my "meeting", if you can call it that.

The lights flashes by outside the cars window and I remember those late night drives we took, the once that always lead us to the coffee shop late at night.

To Louis:

Louis, be my mistake?

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