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Ever wondered what my set up looks like? Well it's me on my couch with a fluffy blanket... and my number one supporter. She always comes and sit beside me when I'm writing.

And yes my rabbit Stella is free roaming in my apartment. 




My head is absolutely fucking killing me, I didn't expect it to hurt this much. Not that I should be surprised because I drank a little too much yesterday...

I know Redbull Vodka isn't a good idea, but still I'm stupid enough to drink it... and of course I've ended the night with a couple of hot shots, because apparently I hadn't had enough of caffeine and alcohol.

I don't even know where I am, I have no idea who I went home with. I hope he was hot at least...

Without making too much sound I get dressed and grab all my things, I'm out from his apartment in less than five minutes. I've somehow gotten really good at this sneaking out part these last couple of months.

The morning sun hits my face and I want to hate it, but because of how little summer we actually get I decide that maybe I just dislike it very much right now.

I manage to wave a cab over to where I'm standing.

It only takes me about ten minutes until I'm at my destination. It looks so different in the mornings than what it does in the middle of the night.

I'm greeted with the smell of coffee when I open the doors.

"Alison, you're right now the only person I'm happy to see this early in the morning." I say to the girl behind the counter when she pours me a cup of black coffee... What? I need something to ease me out of my kick of caffeine and alcohol last night.

"Long night?" She laughs when she looks up at me, I must look like a mess.

"Oh you have no idea..." I mumble out and smiles at her. We exchange a few more sentences before I go and sit down by a table to enjoy my coffee.

My phone have been blowing up with messages and calls these last couple of weeks... probably because no one actually have been able to contact me, I've been really good at avoiding everyone. It's not like anyone have anything important to say.

James just calls because he want me to get back and practice. He doesn't know.

No one knows.

I'm not going back to practice again, I'm done.

I scroll though my phone looking on what's new in the world, honestly there isn't really anything that catches my attention until the picture of Harry pops up.

Harry Styles winning legal battle against father.

He won, not that I expected him to lose. It's not like his father really has a case considering he just wants money because he happens to put his dick in someone and created a kid.

I drink my coffee and I just think back at my life, so much have changes. I never saw myself as the type that goes and sleep with a lot of people because they want to get over someone. I'm guessing you can't really see what kind of type of person you are until it actually happens.

I know I wasn't ready to be with someone like Harry, I wanted to be ready but I just wasn't.

After thirty minutes I decide to leave the little coffee shop, it's not like I expect him to walk in through the doors and just sit down like nothing has happened. I know that won't happen.

I just want to see him, want to remember how those green eyes made me feel so weak.

Maybe it's our time now. Lies. I know it's just me lying to myself, it's not our time. Nothing have changed since we broke it off. It might never change and that's the part that scares me the most. This might be it.

What if I end up sleeping with different guys every night until the day I die? What if Harry was the one for me but we just didn't meet when we were supposed to.

What if I changed destiny?


"This album is the best one yet." I tell my mother over the phone.

"I'm so proud of you, I can't wait to hear the finished result." I can almost hear her smile though the phone. It's just the way her voice sounds that tells me that there is a smile on her lips when she talks to me.

"I got this amazing song from Lewis Capaldi that just fits perfectly in every way." I think back at the song that we recorded a few days ago that Lewis had written telling me it would be perfect for me. It really was.

I talk for almost an hour with my mother before I have to leave for a performance I have to promote this new album. The release date is coming closer and tonight we're releasing the first single, which also happens to be the song that I will perform live tonight on The X Factor.

It also happens to be the song that Lewis Capaldi wrote.

I'm so happy to finally share this with the world.

"Are you ready mate?" Liam asks me when I jump in to the car where he and Niall already is seated.

"As ready as I could ever be." I answer.

We walk together inside the building and I can feel myself getting more nervous for every step I take. This song is so personal to me even though I didn't write it myself. I just feel like it explains everything I'm feeling right now.

I do some sound check and run through the song a couple of times to get it perfectly.

Time flies and suddenly I'm standing ready to preform it on live television.

I take one deep breath and the spot light lands on me.

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