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I rush around the house looking for something I might be forgetting. I don't know what it might be but I just feel like I have forgotten to pack something and that really stresses me out.

Louis is currently just sitting in the living room catching up on the latest episode of Love Island, he missed it yesterday because he had a press meeting where he officially told the world that he no longer will be competing in snowboarding.

I wasn't allowed to go because Ian thought it would pull the attention from Louis and this was his moment to do something for himself. So as the nice boyfriend I am I stayed at home and watched the livestream feeling prouder than ever before.

I finally realize what I'm close to forgetting when I see my charger still beside the bed. Not that it would be so horrible to forget it because everyone else is also using iphone and probably didn't forget their chargers.

"Josh just texted saying they just left the airport and are on their way here." Louis say when I walk in to the living room with my charger in hand. You would think that after all the traveling I do that I would be a freaking pro at packing... but somehow it always ends up with me rushing around at the last second looking for things I might forget.

I always seem to end up in this situation.

"I found what I forgot" I say proudly and holds my charger so he can see. I smile big, probably looking a little bit like a kid proudly showing the drawing they made.

"You do know that everyone have one of those so it wouldn't be such a big deal if you forgot it right?" Louis laughs a little and I can't help but stick my tongue at him.

"We better get all this downstairs so we don't piss Liam off, you know he didn't want to leave too late from here" Louis says ands stands up from the couch.


"I can't believe we're actually back here. It's feels like a life time ago." I say when the car rolls in to the familiar place.

The slopes looks exactly like last time when I got here with Josh, now it's not only us in the car anymore. No, now Harry, Niall and Liam are with us to actually go back to where it all started.

"It's less than a year ago since last time I was here but so much have changed since then." Harry says with a big goofy smile on his face. He is right, so much have changed in our lives since then. The biggest in mine is defiantly quitting snowboarding or waking up beside Harry every single day.

Sure I still have my apartment but I honestly can't remember then last time I spent the night there. How come we didn't think about being at Harry's place before? Honestly I haven't slept so well in any other bed. Plus there is no ringing on the doorbell every single second when I'm there which defiantly is a great thing.

We roll up beside the cabin and I can't help to smile when I see the number on it.


Of course, it always have to be that one cabin doesn't it.

"You stayed here last time right?" Liam asks me when we start packing out the bags and I answer with a small yeah when I crab Harry's bag and put it over my shoulder. He isn't even out of the car yet because he got a phone call. I think it was his manager Ian.

He has really been able to grow as an artist since his last album, people respect him so much more after they have listen to more than his bubble-gum stuff.

I make my way in to the cabin and take the room with the biggest bed in to so I can share with Harry, because now when I'm used to sleeping beside him I don't think I could stop.

I know it's going to be hard when he is going on tour, but now I know what I want. I know I want to be with Harry and actually put everything I have to give in to this relationship.

This is different from anything I have ever felt before.

Harry enters the room and look like a freaking angel.

Snow is still visible in his curls... my little snow angel.

"You got us the best room I see" He says and walks over to me. I can't help to smile when I see him, he is so damn beautiful.

"Can you believe that we're back here? Were it all started."

I look at him and think about how this is the place where it all started. My love for snowboarding, my love for Harry... it all started here.


This is the end of this book my friends. 

If you want to follow me on my next story then the first chapter is already up on my page. The story is called Unknown and it's also a Larry story... of course. 

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