Chapter 39

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Note: This is my longest chapter yet, so apologizes. Also, I recommend listening to the song above for each fight except for when I recommend the next song.
3rd Person View


The loud booming sound of an explosion echoed in the sky, as dark clouds brewed over a nearly destroyed Beacon. Many of the Grimm heard such a sound, snapped their heads in that direction, heading towards Ozpin's old tower.

There, Ruby and Pyrrha could both be found unconscious, a feet apart, where Ozpin's office tower used to stand. A few feet away from them, was many familiar faces, ranging from Weiss to Sun to Death and even to Summer; All of them were on the ground, unconscious or barely awake. All the while a lone figure stood above them all.

Groaning to herself, the young Rose slowly awoken. Her silver eyes softly fluttered open until they went wide, remembering what just happened. Her eyes immediately became fixated on the back of the lone figure a few feet away from her. Despite feeling extremely weak and tired, Ruby pushed herself off the ground and called out to the figure as best as she could.


Hearing her cry, (Y/N) slowly turned around. Letting the young girl see into his eyes. The eyes that looked so different from when they first met....

Eyes that were burning with.....

"The time is almost upon us..."

Cinder, who had her back to me, Mercury, Emerald, and Neo, stated as she stared out the window of our dorm.

"In only a few mere hours there will be mass panic. Buildings will crumble, lives will be lost, and Beacon will fall. Mass hysteria will spread as Grimm attacks their homes and their own army turning on them. And not one Huntsman in sight that can help. No one will know who to trust." Cinder slowly turned towards us with a small smile and her eyes burning intensely. "And to top it all off, the Fall Maiden will be mine~."

Emerald nodded in agreement as Mercury spoke out.

"Finally! I've been dying to get outta this stupid school. Can't wait to see it burn."

"Are you ready for your performance?" Cinder asked.

Mercury sighed sadly. "Yeah..."

"Good." Cinder turned towards me and Neo. "Have you found a way onto the ship?"

Neo nodded as I spoke for her. "Yeah, just a little infiltration on Neo's part, but we got it covered. Roman will be free as a bird, soon enough."

"Alright. Let's go be nefarious~" Cinder said.

"Gladly~" I winked, making Mercury groan.

Cinder strutted straight past the four of us, which we quickly followed behind her, out the door. As soon as we left the room, Neo had changed her appearance, similar to the time when we met with Sienna. The five of us walked down the long hallway in unison before we walked outside to the quad.

Soon enough, we were traveling past the clusters of people nearby the coliseum. As we walked I noticed Team RWBY, half of which looked as half as lively than they usually would. As quickly as I had noticed them, the heiress noticed me. Her already troubled look increased as our eyes met. Our gazes were locked onto each other before she frowned and silently looked away.

"Well, it's time for me and Neo to split. We have a ship to catch." I addressed the group, as Neo and I stopped, the others following suit.

"Remember to return as soon as possible." Cinder told us.

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