Teaser: The Forgotten Memory

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Warning; The following teaser may trigger and confuse you. But don't worry, things are gonna be interesting.


Hmm?" Death hummed.

"What?" (Y/N) asked as he glanced over at his blue haired partner.

The duo was still roaming down an old beaten down path in the middle of a long grassy field. Nothing could be seen for miles other than green grass and the long path leading to who knows where.

"We might have been followed." Death calmly said as they continued walking.


"Don't react. You'll give us away." Death calmly interrupted. "Behind us, a few feet away."

Turning his head slightly to the side, (Y/N) glanced behind him. And just like Death said, there was a figure following them from a few feet away. But as (Y/N) really started to focus on the figure, his eyes widened.


He stopped in his tracks, causing Death to do the same. (Y/N) completely turned around to really see the figure to see if it was a trick, but as the figure continued to walk towards them he knew it was real. As the figure gotten closer and closer, (Y/N) ran towards them in a small dash of speed until his arms were wrapped around the figure.

"I can't believe it...." He muttered as he hugged the girl, her face against his chest. "I never thought I'd ever see you again.... Penny."

The redhead of an android let the hug envelope her form, but she didn't hug back or say a word.....

That was until.....

"Target Located. (Y/N) (L/N)." Penny said in monotone.


Ending the hug, (Y/N) looked at Penny's face to see her dull green eyes staring at him.

"Target Located." Penny repeated lifelessly.

The compartment within the android's back opens up, letting out 4 swords that hovered behind her.

"Penny? Why are you acting like this? Why am I a target?" (Y/N) asked, taking a step back from Penny.

"(Y/N) (L/N) Located. (Y/N) (L/N) needs to be sa-a-a-a-a....."


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