Chapter 9

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(Lucy POV) After catching up with my friends all day, I got WAY to tired and had to go home. I would normally teleport but I intend to keep my powers a secret for now.

As I was walking down the quiet street to my apartment, I could hear dogs barking in the distance. Man, dragon hearing makes everything more irritating.

I got to my apartment and locked my door. I walked to my bedroom but then someone came behind me and our their arm over my stomach and their hand on my mouth. I was calm though, I'd know that smell anywhere. I looked up slightly and saw pink, spikey hair.


Since it was Natsu, I simply bit his hand and kneed him where the sun don't shine and he was down on his knees. "IS YOUR KNEE METAL OR SOMETHING?!" Natsu yelled in pain. Maybe it is... maybe it isn't. He'll never know.

"That's what you get for doing that. Why are you here anyways? I thought you hated my guts and wanted me to leave Fairy Tail?" I asked bending over him because now he was on his back staring at the ceiling.

"Hmmm..." He said either staring at me or the ceiling. I never know with this idiot.

"Well if you want to stay fine. Stay out of my bedroom and everything will be peachy." I said and stepped over him. I could feel him looking at me. I grabbed my pajamas and locked myself in the bathroom. I took a quick shower, blow dried my hair and put on my pajamas.

When I walked back out, Natsu was still on the floor. I walked back over to him and bent over him again. I crossed my arms over my chest. "Are you gonna stay there all night?" I asked a little annoyed.

"You're different." Natsu randomly blurted out. I was a little taken back by it so my eyes widened a little.

"What do you mean I'm different?" I questioned him.

He sat himself up. "Your smell has changed. Also you don't act like you did before. I don't like it" He said like he owned me or something.

"So what? People change. Anyways, I thought you hated me, so why should I care what you think?" I said sassily to him and walked back into my room. Before I could actually close the door, Natsu grabbed my arm and pulled me into a hug.

"Wha..." I was completely confused. But this warmth.... his warmth... I didn't say anything else.

"I didn't want you to change." Natsu said and hugged me tighter. "I wanted you to stay who you were. My Luce that was loud, clumsy and an idiot but also always made me smile. I want the Luce that smelled like strawberries and vanilla that always got angry at me when I barged into her apartment and slept in her bed. I missed you... so much..." Natsu was choking back tears. Wait... what?! I'm so confused. First he's my best friend, then he hates me and now he's confessing all of this! I'll never understand this boy.

"Natsu..." I said quietly. It's all I could say. I didn't know what else

"I know you probably think I hate you. But I don't. When Levy said you were missing, something hit me in the gut. I don't want you to leave like that again." Natsu was crying this time. I hugged him back and he fell to his knees, so I. did too. He cried into my shoulder

Did I really only leave for a week? I left for that long and caused this much pain? To the people I care about? I felt a tear fall down my face also.

"I'm sorry..." I whispered to him and he just held me closer.

[Book 1] Luminos Sun ~ A Nalu FanficWhere stories live. Discover now