Chapter 16

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(Lucy POV) "Where are these monsters? I'm getting tired!" Natsu complained as we walked around the forest again. He was right. These monsters are sure good at hiding for what the requester described. If only I could use my magic.....

"Shut it flame brain. They shouldn't be this good at hiding" Gray snapped at him. Since he called him that, they started to fight again. Erza had to slam their heads together for them to shut up.

"I can't help but agree with Natsu. How the requester described them doesn't add up with their hiding skills." I said holding my shoes with my hands

"He did say they were really tall... maybe theres a cave near by?" Erza questioned.

It looked like Lisanna was about to say something but then the ground shook from a loud impact. We all grabbed onto some sort of tree or bush to keep our balance.

"What the hell was that?!" Lisanna exclaimed then screamed from terror.

I looked where she was looking and my eyes widened a bit. 4 monsters; about the height of one of Zerefs demons; we're staring right at us. They had glowing red eyes, leathery skin and large fangs.

I quickly remembered something. That tree has a protection spell on it. It could keep us safe for a bit. "Quickly, follow me!" I shouted and ran the direction of the tree. The others didn't argue and followed me.

When we got to the tree, everyone looked at me like I was crazy. I ran over to it and placed my hand on it. I used a bit of Floras magic and a golden barrier, the size of the circle, surrounded us. I sighed of relief and leaned against the tree.

"What even is this place?" Gray asked me right in my face.

"I found this tree when you were sleeping. It had a protection spell on it so maybe I could expand it to protect us and it worked." I said with a smile.

"It seems to be working, the monsters can't find us here." Erza called out from looking at the barrier close up.

"We owe ya one Luce!" Natsu said with a big grin and threw his arm over my shoulder. I jumped because he scared me.

"So, what do we do now?" Happy questioned like the idiot he is.

"We plan our attack." I said simply and sat down. Natsu sat next to me, then Gray and Lisanna, then finally Erza came back and sat down. "Now..." I started and suggested a plan

"You think that'll work?!" Gray said dumbfounded.

"It is worth the shot. After all, if we attack randomly, we don't stand a chance against them." Erza said with her thinking face.

"I don't care as long as I get to go overboard!" Natsu said with a grin. I facepalmed. He's going to get killed one day I swear.

[Book 1] Luminos Sun ~ A Nalu FanficWhere stories live. Discover now