Chapter 17

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(Lucy POV)






The goal was to take down at least one of them with our teamwork. Then we retreat to the tree. Our attacks created a large explosion. When the smoke cleared, the monster didn't even have a scratch on it.

"It didn't do any damage?!" Natsu yelled shocked

"We'll have to use stronger attacks" Lisanna said and transformed into a bird thing. I still need to memorize her magic.

Taurus was sent back to the Spirit World from damage. I picked up my keys and held them close to my face. "If any of the Zodiac Spirits want to fight, you can summom youself. I don't want to put you in any danger" I whispered to them. These keys also access as commutation devices to the spirits.

Loke, Virgo, Capricorn and Aries we're summoned. "We'll always help you Lucy-sama." Capricorn did his half bow thing.

"In the light of love, I must always assist you." Loke started to go on about love again until Virgo pulled him back. I sweatdropped.

"I..I hope I'll be of use... I'm sorry" Aries said shyly. I smiled warmly at her and patted her shoulder. She smiled for the first time I've met her. Like, a real smile.

"Princess, what shall I do?" Virgo asked sternly and I sweatdropped once again.

"You see those monsters" I said pointing to them. They all nodded, not being fased by the height of those things. "They're what we're attacking. We'll be attacking that one." I pointed to the one of the left side of the middle.

"Sounds easy enough." Loke said pumped to go all out in a fight.

"You may do whatever you like. Go all out for all I care. But, if you get injured to the point you can not continue, do not hesitate to go back to the Spirit World to heal. I don't want my friends fight with me and be injured. It doesn't settle well with me." I said with a smile.

"You're fighing too, Princess?" Virgo asked with the usual straight face.

"Of course. I can't let you guys fight alone now can I?" I activate my wip. A large blue light came out of it with stars in the blue light.

"Let's go then" Loke said and we all charged to the one. I heard Gray and Lisanna team up to take down one, Natsu got one and Erza got the last one. None of them questioned how I was able to summon 4 Zodiac Gates at one time.

Capricorn told us what to do. Loke blinded the beast, then I used my wip to trap it. Virgo dug a hole deep and wide enough to trap and make sure it won't climb out and when it fell in the hole, Aries covered it with a large layer of wool. If you think that stuff is easy to get out of, your wrong. Her wool is extremely dense and heavy and will stick to you. Virgo then brought weapons from the Spirit World and stabbed the monster several times and it was dead.

"We did it!" I exclaimed and we did a group high-five. Natsu took down his monster and Erza did to hers. Gray and Lisanna were the last to finish. "Thank you guys." I said to them with a smile. They nodded and went back to the Spirit World. I turned around with a smile still plastered on my face, only to be scared by Natsu and Gray in my face, staring at me.

"Wh..what the hell?!" I jumped back. They scared the hell out of me.

"I saw 4 Zodiac Gates opened. How did you do that and are still able to stand?" Gray asked me. Oh shit they noticed.

"You we're only able to open 2 before. What happened?" Natsu said in protective mode.

"I've been secretly training....." I lied like it was a fact that was obvious. "I can open 6 at once if I want" I lied simply and a little confused. I can open all my spirits if I need too.

"WHAT?!" Natsu and Gray yelled and they both fell on their backs. I laughed a little at their behavior while Erza had wide eyes and Lisanna facepalmed.

"Lushee... how long have you been training?" Happy flew over to me with a worried face.

"Hmmm... maybe a year now?" I lied again. 3 years in Dragon Relm time more like it. Happys eyes widened and he fell ontop of Natsu. I leaned over them. "Why is this such a shock? Even I can train like you guys." I said with a tilted head.

"Well I knew that..... I just didn't want you to change." Natsu mumbled the last part quitely, not knowing I could hear it. Didn't want me to change? Have I changed that much? It was so hard to try to conceal a blush.

"What was that last part?" I asked faking being confused. Dragon hearing can be useful at times.

"Nothing! Lets take these monsters back to the town!" Natsu jumped up and yelled even though he has a hint of pink on his cheeks. Erza put all the dead monsters in a net and dragged them out of the forest.

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