--Chapter One--

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 I suddenly feel the car jerk to the side

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 I suddenly feel the car jerk to the side...then I feel that we're in the air, next comes the sickening crash. Then black.


I wake up and I hear voices. I can't make them out, there is a ringing in my ears. I don't know where I am, so I surrender myself to the darkness that is calling.


The next time I wake up, the ringing in my ear is gone, but the voices remain. I barely make out something about 'they're dead' and 'she barely survived'. I had no idea what, or for that matter who they were. I once again surrendered to the calling darkness.


When I woke up for good, I felt a presence above me. I slowly opened my eyes to see a nurse standing above me.

"Oh, good you're up. We were starting to worry you would never wake up. How do you feel?" She said when she saw my open eyes.

"I feel fine. Just confused." I responded tensely.

"What are you confused about? I know if I were unconscious for ten days I would be confused too."

"Wait! I was unconscious for ten days!?"

"Yes, quite lucky for being in a car crash."

"Wait! Car crash!? What happened? Where am I!? Who am I!?"

"My my. I suppose you have full-blown amnesia. Well, there's no fix for that. I can, however, I can tell you what I know of what happened."

"If you would be so kind." I say sarcastically

"Well from what I was told you and your parents were in a car crash with a police car. The police officer was fired for only keeping his eyes on Ghost-Spider the one he was chasing, and not on the road. Your parents were kept here for about two days before they died. Like I said earlier you were knocked unconscious for ten days before you woke up."

"Okay, you answered two of my questions, two left." I responded.

"Oh, sorry. Your name is Ace Turner, you're in Jersey City Hospital."

"So, what happens now?" I asked her. I was scared that I would be sent to an orphanage. I would not let that happen, and if they tried, I would just run away.

"I assume you'll go live with other family members, if you have any."

"And if I don't?" I questioned her.

"Then you'll probably end up in an orphanage." she responded confirming my fears.

"How long will I stay here?"

"Maybe another day, longest two. We'll do a final check to make sure you don't have any injuries that need to be treated, then we'll see where to send you. The doctor will come to do the final check in about five minutes till then just hang tight."

With that, she left the room. I was thinking about everything that I had just heard. I'm pretty sure I'm an orphan, will soon live on the streets, have amnesia, and I have a bone to pick with a certain Ghost-Spider. Just as I finished listing everything messed up about my new life, the doctor came in. After he introduced himself, he started running through the final check-up. He then informed me that I had no other family members able to take me in and I would be sent to an orphanage.

I took all of this in and said nothing when he mentioned the orphanage, I decided that I would sneak out the night I got there, this way no one would be keeping an eye on me for being uncooperative. Whenever they finished informing the orphanage of my arrival the nurse then transported me there.

Once we arrived it was about dinner time. The person in charge of the place briefed me on the rules then gave me a tour of the place. After that, he escorted me to dinner. After I ate I decided to go to the room I was told would be where I slept. Everything had settled down and I decided to make my move now. I carefully opened the window and looked out. There was a thin ledge I could walk across and reach the fire escape then I could make my way down to the street and be swallowed by the crowd.

I took one step out the window and then realized the task was harder than I originally assumed. The wind was fierce and the ledge was thinner than it looked. I decided there was nothing I could do about it and then stepped all the way out. I instantly felt the full force of the wind, but I forced myself to remain calm. If I panicked then I would surely end up on the ground. As I walk a little I realized I should close the window, I didn't want anyone to know how I got out. The wind continued to blow at me and then it started raining as I closed the window.

"Great." I muttered to myself as if making my way to the fire escape wasn't hard enough without the rain.

I carefully made my way to the fire escape and was almost there when I suddenly heard sirens. I looked up thinking I couldn't be the reason behind them. As I looked out from the ally I saw police cars racing by chasing a blur of pink and white. I knew this was the reason for the siren, not me. I exhaled in relief as I realized this. I kept moving towards the fire escape when suddenly the rain picked up and I saw a flash of light then immediately thunder followed. I quickly looked up but with this motion, I lost my balance and I fell. However, I was able to catch the ledge with my left hand but the ledge was slippery and as soon as I tried to pull myself up I continued to fall. I was trying to get a grip when something weird happened. I stopped falling, only I wasn't holding on to anything.



That was the first chapter of 'Mimic'. If you did watch the videos, you might have an idea of why it's called that. Tell me what you think in the comments too. My friend Sumereii helped me divide it into chapters and has been a huge helpshe also made the book cover and the banner at the top of the chapters. Go check out her stories too! Another friend of mine, PandaPhoenix05 also has good, stories too! They have started a story together and so far it is pretty good! Go check them out, and thanks for reading! 


Later Note- The videos linked are a read-through of the chapter, if you want to listen to them while you work you can do so. 

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