--Chapter Fifty-One & Fifty-Two --

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When I came to, I felt like I had been hit by a truck

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When I came to, I felt like I had been hit by a truck. My back throbs, and if you said it felt like my head was under a pile of bricks, it would be an understatement. I could barely feel my arms, and I was kinda glad that I couldn't. To put it short, I had never felt worse in my life.

I slowly opened my eyes, the process taking an extreme amount of effort, I saw a ceiling of dirt with a single light hanging down. I was thankful that the light wasn't super bright, otherwise, it would've made my head feel worse. I didn't hear much activity in the room, and I wondered how Riri was doing. This only made questions come to mind.

What happened to Riri? Where did she go after the white flash? Why had I gotten so weak when they put that thing on my arm? If I thought hard enough about these questions, I could probably find answers. However, my mind was in a haze, and only questions came to mind.

Eventually, my mind calmed down and I realized my situation. I was who knows where, and who knows what they'll do to me if they find out I'm awake. My breathing started to come in short breaths. For the first time in a long time, I was terrified.

Riri and I arrived here, then a flash had made her disappear, and I then got beat up. My powers seemed to be non-existent, otherwise, I wouldn't be laying in this bed.

I tried to calm down, to slow my breathing, but it didn't work. I heard footsteps coming towards me, and I shut my eyes tight. Whoever was coming towards me, I didn't want to know. I was in no condition to try and getaway, or even move, so I just waited for the beating that never came.

"Ace? Are you okay?" I heard Riri's voice say above me.

"Riri?" I rasped, apparently, they had hit my throat too. I tensely opened my eyes to find Riri standing above my bed. Relief burst in my chest, she was okay, and she wasn't hurt like me.

"You're finally awake! This is such a relief!" She said, hugging me. I groaned in response, the pain in my arms becoming real.

"Riri..." I said groaning, she immediately let go.

"Sorry, it's just that they wouldn't tell me anything until you woke up. Now that you're awake, maybe we'll finally get some answers." She told me sheepishly.

"It's okay, I'm just not in a great situation," I told her. She nodded in response.

"Well! It seems that the savior has awoken! It sure took you long enough." I heard a voice say from behind Riri.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but I do know that you almost killed me!" I told the voice. I didn't care what the person would do, but I was ticked off and I was not about to play nice with these guys.

"Ah, that was our mistake. Like your friend was told, we have limited space here. If someone were to step out of line, others would follow suit. Before you know it everyone's against how things run and soon there'll be chaos. If we don't enforce the rules, soon there'll be no rules to enforce." The Elite explained.

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