THE LOVE SQUARE ( Multiple Love Interests )

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TITLE: The Love Square
LOVE INTEREST: Louis Weasley and a thousand other people
BOOK/MOVIE: Next Generation
OC NAMES: Elliott Foster, Tyler Jones, and Jake Smith (You can change last names but I like all of the first names so I'd prefer you didn't change those)
FACE CLAIMS: I won't even bother...

"Wait so you're trying to tell me that you have three crushes?"


"And they each have a different crush within the group?"

"Also yes?"

"....Well how the fuck do I think of a ship name with four people?"

So to put it simply, Louis doesn't have an easy love life.

Louis happens to have a long lasting crush on his best friend, Elliott. But Elliott has a crush on Tyler, who Louis knows has a crush on Jake. If Louis were to tell Elliott that Tyler has a crush on Jake, then it would absolutely destroy Elliott. What Louis doesn't realize is that Jake has a crush on him.

Confusing right?

What's even more confusing is when Tyler asked Louis to help him make Jake jealous, which also made Elliott jealous.

And to top off all of the confusion, they all end up with huge crushes on each other and are too nervous to act on anything.

-I don't know what the hell I just wrote... I decided to write a plot about a polyamorous relationship, and it's the most confusing thing ever. So I'll try and recap.
Louis and Elliott are best friends since first year. Louis has a huge crush on Elliott but hasn't said anything because Elliott has a crush on a Gryffindor named Tyler. But Louis knows that Tyler has a crush on a Slytherin named Jake. And Jake secretly has a crush on Louis, so it's a huge love square. It makes sense to me so I hope I'm explaining it well lmao

-Now their story, I guess: Tyler asks Louis to help him make Jake jealous, which also ends up making Elliott jealous. So in turn, Elliott and Jake do the same. It turns into a huge square of jealousy and along the way they realize they all like each other

-An open polyamorous relationship isn't going to be easy for them, especially at Hogwarts. Even inside the relationship, it's harder than the average couple. Maybe one of them feels left out in some things and gets really insecure in the relationship

-Elliott is openly gay, Tyler is openly bi, Louis hasn't yet come out as anything, and Jake's only just figuring out his feelings with his recent crush on Louis

-Maybe someone's dating someone else at some point? I don't know. Create conflict I guess

-At one point I think there should be a big fight and someone "leaves". I can't handle someone actually leaving officially.... That's honestly heartbreaking imaging three of them trying to function without—

-I have a problem

-If you want the plot just comment or message me

( plot by Tuft )

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