BLOOD ( Draco Malfoy )

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TITLE: Blood
BOOK/MOVIE: Order of the Phoenix —
OC NAME: Eliott Roche
FACE CLAIM: Froy Gutierrez

TITLE: BloodLOVE INTEREST: Draco MalfoyBOOK/MOVIE: Order of the Phoenix —OC NAME: Eliott Roche FACE CLAIM: Froy Gutierrez TAKEN BY: n/a

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"All I'll ever be to you, to your family, is a boy with dirty blood. A mudblood."


Eliott Roche grew up with a loving family. Many brothers and sisters who looked out for him even if he was different. When he was eleven years old, they found out why he was different.

Life at Hogwarts was his dream come true. Even if he still got into too many fights, wasn't the perfect student, and was an overall mess, it was okay.

When the Wizarding World was thrown into war with Voldemort on the rise, he told his family nothing about it. They knew something was up, but Eliott always changed the subject.

He can ignore the questions from everyone around him, but he can't ignore the boy in front of him falling apart. Draco Malfoy had made his feelings towards mudbloods and Eliott very clear, but then feelings change. When he confesses, Eliott had to protect him.

Voldemort and the Malfoy family would never accept someone with dirty blood, and Eliott would make sure Draco was never hurt because of him.

-Eliott is my very angry son always ready to fight

-he's a Gryffindor and the same year as Ginny

-my son is extremely bisexual but he's not a fuck boy. He's sweet, and likes people, even if he gets into fights 69% of the time

-at first, Draco and Eliott do not get along. Throughout their years at Hogwarts, Eliott and Draco have gotten into many fights every time Draco calls him a mudblood

-around the sixth book Eliott should start really caring for Draco and Draco start falling for Eliott

-the story should start at the end of the Order of the Phoenix

-remember, Eliott has a very large family. He should either be around the middle of the children or the youngest. He's tough but his family is still pretty protective and just an overall sweet family dynamic because we don't see those enough

( plot by Luna )

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