Labyrinth ( James Potter )

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TRIGGER WARNING: mentions of drug addiction, really dark past with creepy people, and child abuse

TITLE: Labyrinth
BOOK/MOVIE: Marauders Era
OC NAME: Lucas Demaneo
FACE CLAIM: Froy Gutierrez

TITLE: Labyrinth LOVE INTEREST: James PotterBOOK/MOVIE: Marauders EraOC NAME: Lucas DemaneoFACE CLAIM: Froy Gutierrez TAKEN BY: n/a

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"Has anyone ever told you that you're pretty fucked up?"

"Once or twice."


The morning of his mother's death, his cousin made him chocolate chip pancakes. She spent the whole day with him, knowing that his mother was dying and never saying the words. She tried to make it the best day of his life — even though upon hearing the news it would be the worst.

From the age of eight, Lucas learned how to protect himself. With his dad having nothing against slapping kids around and his mum doing a number on his mind, Lucas needed a wall in front of him. Not even his cousin — one who tried to be there but had her own life she had to live — could help him.

Hogwarts was his safe place. Someone he could finally breathe. No one knew who he was, what his parents did to him. No one knew a thing about the Gryffindor ( even if he was one of the loudest and friendliest people around ). Lucas was safe, he had his mind to protect him.

Then they learned about Legilimency and James Potter was partnered with Lucas. No matter how he tried, he couldn't invade the boy's mind. No one could ( not even the snake Snivellus ).

James never did have much self restraint, he wanted to find his way into the mind of Lucas. What he thought was layers, a couple of brick walls, was actually a labyrinth.

-okay so Lucas' backstory is really sad. I will include a few things to add about his parents:
His mom was a drug addict and she got very sick later on in her years and died
His mom also introduced him to drugs when he was little and one of the only good memories of his dad was when he was holding Lucas tightly, almost trying to protect him, as the drugs went through his body. He never let his mom alone with him again
His dad did hit Lucas, and never showed much love to him
His mom used to take him with her to dealers
His dad often had friends over who were drunks and look at Lucas a certain way. Whenever they did, his dad typically hit them
He fears his dad a lot, because of the beatings and the cold stares, but understands that his dad protects him in some ways and it really messes him up to think about. He misses his mom even though she messed him up by bringing her around drug dealers, giving him drugs when he was young and he almost died, and ways she almost let other people touch him for drugs.

-his cousin is about five years older than him, related by his mom side. She is a muggle but knows about magic. She tried her best to help but could only do so much and went off to college but sends Lucas money when she can

-Lucas is a Gryffindor

-Lucas acts friendly mostly but anyone who gets too close, he cuts them out and makes the angry until they leave him alone

-story takes place 7th year

-Lucas' mind is like a labyrinth, his darkest memories and secrets buried in catacombs.

-James shouldn't be able to get even into Lucas thoughts or feelings or even a good memory. Lucas acts like he doesn't know why ( and James reluctantly asks Snape if he can see inside Lucas' head )

-James tried to become friends with Lucas because he doesn't like the thought of why someone would have their mind so guarded

- when James gets closer to him, Lucas will try everything to ruin the friendship, make him mad, make him never want to speak to him again; but James stays

-Lucas and Remus get along okay as long as Remus doesn't ask personal questions. The first time he did, Lucas shut down and Remus never did again. Peter and Lucas have a good time raiding the kitchen and playing board games. Lucas and Sirius get on like a house on fire at parties and just having fun but don't actually talk. Lucas made Lily upset because she started to look into him too much and now she refuses to talk to him

-this can be fluff one minute and extreme angst the next

-Lucas is very much a Pretty Boi and he loves it and takes it as a compliment if anyone calls him one or just calls him pretty ( except for his dad's creepy friends but you get the point )

-honestly, you can either have James as a love interest or platonic relationship

( plot by Luna )

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