PRESSURE ( Lily Luna Potter )

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TITLE: Pressure
LOVE INTEREST: Lily Luna Potter
BOOK/MOVIE: Next Generation
OC NAME: Lachlan Kayson,
FACE CLAIM: Willow Shield

TITLE: PressureLOVE INTEREST: Lily Luna PotterBOOK/MOVIE: Next Generation OC NAME: Lachlan Kayson, FACE CLAIM: Willow ShieldTAKEN BY: n/a

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"Do you know what it's like to be named for the dead!"


Lily Luna Potter was smirks and fire. She was powerful and knew how to have fun. The perfect leaning mix of light and dark. She enjoyed learning of the things best left untouched, but she also loved baking with her cousin at three in the morning.

Lily Luna Potter was the perfect student. Her homework was always done in the neatest handwriting, and her tests were top of the class. Her name gave her something to uphold. She couldn't let it slip, because then it would be admitting defeat.

Lily Luna Potter was standing at the edge of the Astronomy tower, crumpling under the pressure. Her three names was too much, and she couldn't bare it any longer.

Lachlan Kayson was determined to take some of the weight, but how could she take any when she's falling as well?

-based on this tumblr post ( I know it's not the full thing, but I chose to focus on Lily ):

NOTES-based on this tumblr post ( I know it's not the full thing, but I chose to focus on Lily ):

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-Lily tries so hard to be perfect because she doesn't want to let anyone down

-Lily doesn't understand how someone could be good not for themselves, or how to be gentle. Lily gives all or nothing, there is no in between

-in her fifth year, Lily stands at the Astronomy tower to kill herself. Lachlan finds her and talks her down. They stay there all night while Lily cries until they both fall asleep there

-Lachlan is a Gryffindor and the same year as Lily. Her pressure comes from her family to be the best. She went up to the Astronomy tower that night to get some air and so she doesn't wake her roommates from her crying

-Lachlan will try to help Lily for as much as she can, but eventually one of them realizes that it isn't healthy and Lily gets help.

-they should only start dating after Lily gets help otherwise it's just toxic and won't end good

-VERY SLOW BURN. I CANNOT SAY THAT ENOUGH. Neither are in a very good place when they meet

-Lachlan will tell Albus about a month or so after Lily tried to commit what happened. She didn't tell him sooner because Lily convinced her not to but Lachlan realized that she had to

-Lily is at the top of her class, studies all the time, always there to listen to her friends and family even if she hates it. She's blunt. She goes out to the Forbidden Forest to walk and run

-Lachlan can be aggressive at times about things she loves. She gets frustrated with school and all the letters she gets from her parents. If you want, have one of her parents work as a teacher at Hogwarts

( plot by Luna )

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