BREAKING ( Mary Macdonald )

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TITLE: Breaking
LOVE INTEREST: Mary Macdonald
BOOK/MOVIE: Marauders Era
OC NAME: Elizabeth Roche
FACE CLAIM: young!Alexis Bledel

TITLE: BreakingLOVE INTEREST: Mary MacdonaldBOOK/MOVIE: Marauders Era OC NAME: Elizabeth Roche FACE CLAIM: young!Alexis Bledel TAKEN BY: n/a

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"I know I have anger problems! Okay! That's the worst part about it, that I know."

"What is an episode like?"

"Blind rage. It doesn't even matter if I'm wrong. After, I feel relief, and then ashamed."


Elizabeth Roche grew up in a nice home. She had good parents, a loving sister, and a cousin who lived with them. The only problem was her.

She broke things. Threw things across the room in fits of anger. Rational thinking goes out the window and words fly out of her mouth that she will forever regret. She doesn't know why she's like this, and she only feels ashamed for being like it.

Her parents take her to doctor. She's an IED, they said. A firecracker always waiting to go off.

At Hogwarts, she's terrified that she'll go off on people; and she does. She does and she regrets it. Mary Macdonald just tries to be there for her, because no one should be alone.

-for anyone who doesn't know who Mary is, here is something from fandom wiki "Mary Macdonald was a British witch of unknown parentage. She attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the 1970s with Lily Evans and Severus Snape. Mary was possibly a member of Gryffindor house.

Sometime during her time at school, she was viciously assaulted by Mulciber, a pure-blood Slytherin and a future Death Eater, with Dark Magic.The incident was quickly publicised and was heavily condemned by several students.Several other Slytherins, however, callously felt that the event was simply a joke and that it was merely for a laugh.

She later informed Lily Evans when Severus Snape intended to spend the night outside the entrance to Gryffindor Tower to apologise to her for having previously called her a "Mudblood.""

-Elizabeth needs someone who is kind and patient but won't take her shit

-Elizabeth has IED ( intermittent explosive disorder )

-Intermittent explosive disorder involves repeated, sudden episodes of impulsive, aggressive, violent behavior or angry verbal outbursts in which you react grossly out of proportion to the situation.

-Explosive eruptions occur suddenly, with little or no warning, and usually last less than 30 minutes. These episodes may occur frequently or be separated by weeks or months of nonaggression. Less severe verbal outbursts may occur in between episodes of physical aggression. You may be irritable, impulsive, aggressive or chronically angry most of the time.

-Mary does not "cure" this. Mary helps her. The two are cute together but there will be times that Elizabeth blows up at her and at other people and you have to decide how much Mary will take that because it's very stressful to have someone you love yell at you. I don't think Mary will take Elizabeth's shit

-Elizabeth is in the same year as the Marauders and Mary and is either a Hufflepuff or Gryffindor ( you choose )

-after Mary is attacked by Slytherins, Elizabeth will take it very badly

-the reason for the title breaking, is because Elizabeth breaks a lot of shit in an episode. Whether it be objects, or if she punches or kicks a wall and breaks her own bone.

-Aggressive episodes may be preceded or accompanied by:

Increased energy
Racing thoughts
Chest tightness
The explosive verbal and behavioral outbursts are out of proportion to the situation, with no thought to consequences, and can include:

Temper tantrums
Heated arguments
Slapping, shoving or pushing
Physical fights
Property damage

-the MsMarauders community is making plots for mental illness as May is mental health awareness month. Mental health needs to be talked about and discussed. It's something that people go through. It should not be stuffed away and dealt with by yourself. You are never alone.

( plot by Luna )

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