Don't Run ( James Sirius Potter )

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TITLE: Don't Run
LOVE INTEREST: James Sirius Potter
BOOK/MOVIE: next gen
OC NAME: Caiden Parker
FACE CLAIM: you choose


"Stop running. Don't run. For once in your life, just stand up and fight for yourself. I will do it, but you need to fight for yourself too. I can't do it without you."


Muggles Studies was supposed to be an easy class as far as James was concerned. It was easy, at least until his seventh year where Professor Kinley decided that this would be a perfect time for them to look into film making. Not just look into film making, however, but making an end of Hogwarts film. A way to say GOODBYE before moving onto the real world ( like the last seventeen years were a trial run or something ).

The idea for his film came fairly quickly, now all James needed was a lead.

Caiden Parker was good at running away. That's what he's always done. Running away was the only to protect himself. Running was the only thing he knew, to the point of running all the way from Ilvermorny to Hogwarts for his final year of school.

The plan was to keep his head down, get the year over with and move on with the rest of his life.

James was never good at following plans, his or others.

-okay, so, Caiden ran away bc of how badly some people reacted when he came out as trans so he convinced his parents to let him go to Ilvermorny for his final year to have a new start

-do some research about being trans and what the transition is like. Caiden is under 18 and has not had any surgery, so he would wear a binder and take T.

-you can either take the plot of some movie or something or make something up for what the film James makes would be.

-James sees Caiden and just goes 😍😍😍 and wants to get to know him so he convinces him to be in his film ( getting Professor Mcgonagall to help and Minnie helps bc she is honestly a shipper and already can see them together... plus she bet money with Neville that they'll get together )

-Caiden doesn't tell anyone about him being trans and doesn't plan on telling anyone

-in muggle studies, have them study some movie things in sixth year so that's why their teacher has them make a film seventh year

-d r a m a

-f l u f f

-make me laugh, smile, and cry please and thank you

-if you want, Caiden can have a twin who is pretty protective of him because of all the shit that happened back at Ilvermorny ( not everyone, just enough people that Caiden wants to leave )

( plot by Luna )

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