LIVE A LITTLE ( Molly Weasley II )

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TITLE: Live A Little
BOOK/MOVIE: next generation
OC NAME: Amélie Lecomte
FACE CLAIM: Philippine Stindel

TITLE: Live A LittleLOVE INTEREST: Molly Weasley IIBOOK/MOVIE: next generation OC NAME: Amélie LecomteFACE CLAIM: Philippine StindelTAKEN BY: n/a

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"Stop being so uptight! Live a little!"

"Fine. Teach me."


Amélie Lecomte lived life to the fullest. Never wasting a second. She never wanted to regret anything, so she never looked back. Amélie would jump from buildings, party till she collapsed, kissed people without a care. She intended to never change.

Molly Weasley II was one of the most uptight people Amélie had ever met ( taken after her father, Amélie heard ). It's worse that she's in her year, and her house. When Molly is made Prefect, she is determined to set Amélie right.

Amélie's goal is to mess up the picture perfect Ravenclaw. Ruffle her feathers. Teach her to live in the moment.

What she doesn't realize, is that Molly guides her back to the track.

Love will do that.

- I've been watching SKAM France and Gilmore Girls and that's how I got here

-Amélie is naturally very smart and she figures out ways to do all this crazy shit without getting hurt

-if you've ever seen Gilmore Girls, Amélie is a lot like Logan and Molly is Rory

-you can make them friends with whoever, I don't care

-the two have dealt with each other for years and they drive each other crazy

-this takes place in fifth year

-Molly is uptight but Amélie helps

-Amélie is French and can speak it. Her dad is from France and her mom is from England. She learned French because that's what her dad's side of the family speaks but she's never lived in France past the age of four

-Amélie can party hard and has a high drinking tolerance

-Molly is gay and Amélie is bi


-guess who's ankle is getting better! Mine!!! ( for anyone who didn't know, I severely sprained it and it was swollen and bruised and looked horrible and I couldn't play soccer, BUT it looks better now and I can probably play in the next game )

- basically I was watching Gilmore Girls and I needed Logan and Rory so I made this plot... and made it gay.... so yeah

( plot my Luna )

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