EMMA ( remus lupin )

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TITLE: emma
LOVE INTEREST: remus lupin
BOOK/MOVIE: marauders era
OC NAME: emmaline vance (not a oc)

"i really think i like you."


emmeline always knew something was off about remus lupin. she had always seen him around school, tired and falling asleep on everything from countertops to stairs (never again on the moving ones). her heart ached for him, as she also suffered from insomnia. countless attempts to reach out and support him failed. she just wanted to help him.

remus had been in love with emmeline ever since their sorting. even though she was a ravenclaw and he was a gryffindor, she intrigued him. he found himself drawn to her, but put up boundaries to protect her. he had his limits implemented for so long he actually believed that he no longer liked her. until he questioned if he was gonna lose her, that's what he realized he really likes her.

-based on emma by soran (A BOP) YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO IT
-emma is a ravenclaw
-her and remus have a very shy relationship (skinny love)
-em is a chaser for quidditch
-emmeline Vance (d. early July, 1996[2]) was a witch and a member of the first and second Order of the Phoenix. She most likely fought in several battles in both the First and Second Wizarding Wars with the Order, and was also a member of the Advance Guard. Emmeline was murdered by Death Eaters in mid-1996. She was considered a highly talented and prodigious witch and her death was a significant and devastating loss to the Order (got this from the internet)
-https://harrypotter.fandom.com/wiki/Emmeline_Vance (i suggest reading this)
-you can change the summary
-have emmeline get into some sort of accident or something (quidditch or other)
-everyone calls her emmeline or em, remus will be the only one to call her emma
-let them be reckless teenagers once they get comfortable
-emmeline dies in 1996, if you want to make it the epilogue, go ahead, if you want to carry the story that far, go ahead, wanna give emmeline and remus a kid? BE MY *gosh darn* GUEST

( vixen )

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