OLIVIA IS NOT CRAZY (Marlene McKinnon)

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TITLE: Olivia is not crazy

LOVE INTEREST: Marlene McKinnon

BOOK/MOVIE: Marauders Era

OC NAME: Olivia Rowley

FACE CLAIM: Robin Owens



" Don't be ashamed ; we all have our demons... yours just happen to be in your head "


After a terrible attack on St. Mungo's that leads James Potter and Marlene McKinnon in a frenzy to help as many people to safety as possible, Marlene finds herself with a dilemma;

does she risk the girl, only a few years younger than her, by telling her to hide, or does she disapparate with her to a safe place?

When a death eater comes running, Marlene realizes that she has no chance to protect both of them whilst fighting. So within a moments' thought, she disapparates with the girl to the quarters of the Order of the Phoenix.

But then, as Marlene's about to leave again, she notices that the girl is having some sort of panic attack;  she decides to stay behind, with no clue that the seemingly-fragile girl in front of her was going to change her life.

The two girls are stuck between helping themselves and helping each other, all while falling in love, and trying to win a war that seemed impossible to win.


- Olivia has severe anxiety, panic disorder, which caused her to have multiple major breakdowns every month
This led to her being institutionalized in St. Mungo's rather than getting proper medication for anxiety, as the Wizarding World isn't very informed on mental health
- Marlene used to have very bad anxiety as a young child, but has since learnt how to shoot down the thoughts and situations that triggered this
- Marlene wants to take Olivia back to St. Mungo's when the attack is over at first, but then when Olivia insists that she doesn't want to, Marlene sits down with her and discusses why, which leads to her finding out about this
- she agrees to hide Olivia in the quarters, in one of the rooms of the abandoned muggle hotel they're currently using, so that she doesn't have to go back to St. Mungo's
- Olivia and Marlene end up talking late into the night, and quickly falling in love with each other
- in a short amount of time Marlene manages to have a big impact on Olivia, and gives her someone to rely on
- Olivia doesn't get rid of anxiety at the end of the book, or ever, I want this to be realistic
- Olivia lived with her grandparents before she was institutionalized
- Anxiety is a very big thing in Olivia's life and clouds her thoughts constantly; yet, I still want her to be written as a person with dreams and aspirations and opinions and thoughts, not just a girl with anxiety
- I want Lily to find it that Marlene's hiding Olivia after a while
- I want Olivia to eavesdrop on some of the Order meetings, and start proposing ideas and solutions to Marlene
- Slowly, she starts being a part of the Order as more and more people find out about her and welcome her, though warily, into the order
- I want Olivia and Marlene to either die together or not at all— my poor heart can't take them dying without each other
- Marlene is 17 and Olivia is 15
- you can basically change whatever — her name, title, ages, minor details. anything but the ending and the actual plot.

- this plot is made in honor of mental health awareness month, and to spread awareness of anxiety in particular.

( plot by Zorra )

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