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TITLE: Fear of Love
BOOK/MOVIE: Next Generation
OC NAME: Lucas Mills
FACE CLAIM: Tom Holland

Do I need a gif for Tom Holland? Everyone knows who he is??? I'm lazy so I'm not gonna get one


"It's not actual love I'm afraid of. I would embrace the fact that I could love someone so much that I would do anything for them. Did you know, people fall out of love for the same reason they fall in it."


Albus Potter was afraid of love. He could appreciate the fact that you could care about someone so much that you would do anything for them, that you would die for them. He was afraid of the fact that people can fall out of love for the same reason they fall in it. Each time he thinks about it, or tries to explain it to someone else, it fucks him up. He's afraid that one day, he will become ugly to someone who once thought all the stars were in his eyes.

Lucas Mills fell in love easily. He embraced the feeling of falling fast and hard for someone that might hurt him. He took the chance every time because of the chance that something good could come out of it. He loved people with his whole heart, and he regretted nothing.

After going over to James' house to hang out and talking with Albus, Lucas could feel himself falling, and did nothing to stop it; and he taught Albus what it meant to fall in love.

-Lucas is James' age

-Lucas is a Gryffindor

-Albus is a Slytherin

-takes place in Lucas' sixth or seventh year

-starts over the summer. He goes over to James' house to hang out a lot. Basically James' best friend and do not ignore any problems James' might have in general and have Lucas be there for him

-James starts off overprotective of both of them and not wanting them to get hurt before becoming the captain of their ship

-soft plot that has potential for angst

-Albus is honestly afraid of falling in love which puts a strain on their relationship before they figure it out

( plot by Luna )

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