BUTTERFLIES ( Molly Weasley II )

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TITLE: Butterflies
BOOK/MOVIE: Next Generation
OC NAME: Camille Harper
FACE CLAIM: Gabbie Hanna

TITLE: ButterfliesLOVE INTEREST: Molly Weasley IIBOOK/MOVIE: Next GenerationOC NAME: Camille HarperFACE CLAIM: Gabbie HannaTAKEN BY: n/a

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"Nobody's gonna give me the same butterflies I got with her."

"We'll see about that."

Camille Harper loved easily, but nobody could give her the same feeling of butterflies in her stomach that Taylor Stile gave. Camille thought that Taylor was the one for her. They were together for three years and it shocked the entire school when Taylor was found to be cheating on her.
Camille was heartbroken and the only person who could help her was her best friend, Molly Weasley.
But Molly had been unrequitedly in love with Camille since before Taylor, and her feelings had only grown stronger.

-Inspired by Gabbie Hanna's song, Butterflies

-They're both in their sixth or seventh year, and they can be in any house but Slytherin. But they have to be in the same one

-They're best friends since first year, Molly started liking Camille at the end of second year, and Camille and Taylor started dating in third or fourth year (depending on what year you choose for them to be in in present time)

-They're the type of close friends that say I love you to each other, and it's absolutely heartbreaking to Molly because she wishes Camille meant it in the same way she does

-Molly helps Camille get over the break up, but she also takes this as her chance to make a move. She respects Camille and her break up so she waits awhile. But when she does build up the courage to tell Camille how she feels, Camille gets angry and they get into some big fight

-But don't worry cause after a week or so of them being apart, Camille realizes she can't live without Molly and she decides to give her a chance

-Make a big deal out of Camille noticing how she felt butterflies fluttering around in her stomach when she was with Molly

-it's pride month, and we're proudly celebrating the lgbtq+ community with representation in our plots. you are valid regardless of your sexuality, gender, or identity. whether you are a member of the community or an ally, we appreciate you all throughout the year (not just in june!).

( plot by Tuft )

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