DISGRACE ( Sirius Black )

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TITLE: Disgrace
BOOK/MOVIE: Marauders era
OC NAME: Liliana Willows
FACE CLAIM: Lily Collins


"Your family hates you for not being in Slytherin, and mine hates me because I am in Slytherin. I think we should swap families!"


Liliana Willows had been the disgrace of her family ever since she was sorted into Slytherin. Her parents were proud Gryffindor's and felt embarrassed by their daughter after they discovered her hogwarts house.
Ever since Sirius Black had been sorted into Gryffindor, he became a disgrace to his family full of Slytherin's but despite his hatred for the house, he couldn't help but become friends with Liliana Willows.


- The Summary is terrible, you may completely change it!

- Liliana doesn't hate her family even though they are cruel to her for being a Slytherin.

- Liliana has an older brother or sister who bullies her.

- At first Liliana was ashamed to be in Slytherin, but she eventually embraces it!

- There should be a prolouge of when she is first sorted and then the first chapter should be in her fifth year.

- If you have any other questions, feel free to PM me at -emmahayley-

(Plot by Athena)

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